- "The Machine that Saved the World"
- Amazing, December 1957
- SF Adventures, August 1974
- "The Mad Planet"
- Argosy, June 12, 1920
- Amazing Stories, November 1926
- Super Science Stories, December 1944
- Fantastic Novels Magazine, November 1948
- Fantastic Novels Magazine, May 1949
- The Forgotten Planet, edited by Murray Leinster, Gnome, 1954
- Under the Moons of Mars, edited by Sam Moskowitz, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970
- Gernsback Awards 1926, edited by Forrest J Ackerman, Triton, 1982
- Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy #5: Giants, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles Waugh, NAL/Signet, 1985
- Giants, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles Waugh, Robinson Publishing, 1987
- Tales of Wonder,date unknown
- Planets of Adventure, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2003

- "Maehoe"
- Adventure Trails, February 1929
- "Magic Bathing Suits"
- Breezy Stories, 9/21
- Breezy Stories, edited by Jerry L. Schneider, Pulpville Press,
- "The Making of Man"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "The Maintop"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Malay Guns"
- Adventure Novels, July 1937
- Adventure Novels and Short Stories, September 22, 1954
- "Malignant Marauder" [a.k.a. "Dead City"]
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, Summer 1946
- Fantastic Story
Magazine, July 1953
- The Ultimate
Invader, edited by Donald A. Wollheim, Ace, 1954
- (as "Die Tote Stadt") Utopia Zukunfts Roman, September 22, 1954
- Twists in Time,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1960.
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Man Against Sea"
- Argosy, November 1938 (British Edition)
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "The Man at the Top"
- Saturday Evening
Post, February 18, 1961
- "The Man in the Iron Cap"
- "The Man in the
Soft Hat"
- Mike Shayne
Mystery Magazine, September 1961
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "Man May Propose"
- Love Story Magazine, 11/27/26
- "Man-Trap"
- Western Story Roundup, February 1951
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "The Man Who Blew Up a War"
- "The Man Who Carried the Sky Line"
- "The Man Who Could Not Smile"
- "The Man Who Couldn't Do Wrong"
- "The Man Who Didn't Shoot"
- Danger Trails, June 1926
- Jungle Stories, October 1931
- The Seventh Bullet, Black Dog Books, 2001
- "The Man Who Feared" Part I
- Detective Fiction Weekly, August 9, 1930
- The Toronto Star Weekly, 2/27/43
- "The Man Who Feared" Part II
- Detective Fiction Weekly, August 16, 1930
- The Toronto Star Weekly, 2/27/43
- "The Man Who Feared" Part III
- Detective Fiction Weekly, August 23, 1930
- The Toronto Star Weekly, 2/27/43
- "The Man Who Feared" Part IV
- Detective Fiction Weekly, August 30, 1930
- The Toronto Star Weekly, 2/27/43
- "The Man Who Paid to be Murdered"
- "The Man Who Put Out the Sun"
- "The Man Who Was Fired"
- Argosy All-Story Weekly, 3/3/23
- "The Man Who Went Black"
- Danger Trails, March 1926
- Jungle Stories, August 1931
- The Seventh
Bullet, Black Dog Books, 2001
- "The Man Who Wouldn't Squeal"
- Detective Fiction Weekly, August 17, 1929
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Man with Bad Smell"
- "The Man with the Floppy Ears"
- Mike Shayne's Mystery Magazine, July 1964
- "The Man Without a Face"
- Suspence, January 1959
- Today's Woman, Date unknown
- "The Man
Wolves" Part I
- Mystery Stories, February 1929
- "The Man
Wolves" Part II
- Mystery Stories, March 1929
- "Manhunt"
- "The Maniac Murders"
- Black Bat
Detective Mysteries, February 1934
- High Adventures #85
- "The Manless
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, February 1947
- The Last
Spaceship, edited by Murray Leinster, Fell 1949.
- "Manners and
Customs of the Thrid"
- Worlds of If,
September 1963.
- Utopia Zukunfts Roman,
Date unknown
- as Will F. Jenkins, "The Marauders"
- American Magazine, September 1949
- "A Matter of
- Astounding,
September 1959
- Astounding, July 1960 (British Edition)
- "Maxie"
- Short Stories, April 10, 1940
- "Mboka"
- Snappy Stories, 11/18/1918
- "Med Service" [a.k.a. "The Mutant Weapon"]
- Astounding, August 1957
- Astounding, (British Edition) Dcember 1957
- Science Fiction Showcase, edited by Mary Kornbluth, Doubleday, 1959
- Med Ship,
edited by Eric Flint & Guy Gordon, Baen, 2002

- "Med Ship Man"
- Galaxy,
October 1963
- Doctor to the
Stars, edited by Murray Leinster, Pyramid, 1964
- Med Ship,
edited by Eric Flint & Guy Gordon, Baen, 2002

- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Men at the Top"
- Saturday Evening
Post, February 18, 1961
- "Merritt Takes a Chance"
- Fighting Romances from the West and East, 11/25
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Message from the Countess"
- Collier's,
February 12, 1938
- "Mexican
- Triple-X Western,
Date unknown
- "M'Fella Boy
- Detective Fiction
Weekly, March 16, 1935
- "The Middle of the Week After Next"
- Thrilling Wonder Stories, August 1952
- Thrilling Wonder Stories, (British Edition) March 1953
- Science Fiction Adventures in Dimension, edited by Groff Conklin, Vanguard, 1953
- Best SF Stories 1953, edited by Everett F. Bleiler, 1953
- Best SF Stories (Fourth Series), edited by Everett F. Bleiler & T.E. Dikty, Grayson & Grayson 1955
- Out of This World, edited by Annabel Williams-Ellis & Mably Owen, Blackie, 1960.
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Mike Comes to Lunch"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "The Mine That Laughed"
- "The Mistake"
- "The Mob Knows Best"
- "The Mole
- Astounding,
November 1934
- Three Stories,
edited by Sam Moscowitz, Doubleday, 1967
- The Moon Era,
Modern Literary Editions Publishing Co., 1967
- "The
- Weird Tales, January 1933
- Magazine of
Horror, January 1968
- "The Moon
- Men on the Moon,
edited by Donald A. Wollheim, Ace, 1969
- "Morale"
- Astounding,
December 1931
- The Runaway Skyscraper and Other Tales from the Pulps, Wildside,
- "The Morrison
- Argosy,
August 10, 1935
- Avon Science
Fiction Reader #1, edited by Donald Wollheim, Avon, 1951
- "The Mousy
- Mike Shayne's
Mystery Magazine, April 1962
- "Mr. Binder and the Solid Vacuum"
- Science Teacher's
World, October 28, 1958
- "Mr. Thomas"
- Thrilling Detective, June 1963
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Mr. Waddy"
- argosy, January 1950 (British Edition)
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Mr. Wildbeck's Brother-in-Law"
- Liberty Magazine,
April 9, 1938.
- "Mrs. Justice is Whitewashed"
- "Murder at the First Night"
- Black Bat
Detective Mysteries, January 1934
- "Murder at the Sty"
- Prize Detective
Magazine, November 1929
- "Murder in the Family"
- Complete Detective Novels, April 1934
- "Murder
- Detective Fiction
Weekly, March 29, 1930
- "Murder Madness,
Part I"
- Astounding,
June, 1930
- Quadratic,
edited by William L. Crawford, Fantasy Publishing Company, 1953
- "Murder Madness,
Part II"
- Astounding,
July, 1930
- Quadratic,
edited by William L. Crawford, Fantasy Publishing Company, 1953
- "Murder Madness,
Part III"
- Astounding,
August, 1930
- Quadratic,
edited by William L. Crawford, Fantasy Publishing Company, 1953
- "Murder on Ruari"
- Complete Stories, March 8, 1935
- "The Murdered Wax
- Detective Fiction
Weekly, August 3, 1929
- "The
- Weird Tales,
January 1930.
- 100 Wicked Little
Weird Tales, Barnes & Noble, 1994
- "Murderer's
- Dime Detective,
February 1953.
- Hard-Boiled
Detectives, edited by Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz
& Martin H. Greenberg, Gramercy Books, 1992
- "The Murders"
- 100 Little Weird Tales, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert
Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1994
- "Murphy Makes a
- Detective Fiction
Weekly, December 19, 1931
- "Music"
- "The Mutant Weapon"
- as by Pepe Gomez, "My Friend Barbusse"
- "My Friend Raoul"
- Snappy Stories, August 1, 1919
- The Novel Magazine, December 1919
- as Will F. Jenkins, "My Neighbor"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "My Neighbor's Wife"
- "The Mystery of Renegade Range"
- Triple-X Western, August 1932
- as Louisa Carter Lee, "The Mystery of the Magnolias"
- "The Mystery of the Scalping Blade" Part I
- Triple-X Magazine, January 1930
- "The Mystery of the Scalping Blade" Part II
- Triple-X Magazine, February 1930
- "The Mystery of the Scalping Blade" Part III
- Triple-X Magazine, March 1930
- "The Mystery of the Scalping Blade" Part IV
- Triple-X Magazine, April 1930
- "The Mystery of the Scalping Blade" Part V
- Triple-X Magazine, May 1930
- as William
Fitzgerald, "The Nameless Something"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, June 1947
- Out of This World,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avalon, 1958
- "Nemesis"
- Argosy, March 12, 1932
- Double Action Western, 3/37
- "Nerved with
- Detective Story
Magazine, March 31, 1923
- "Nerves"
- Argosy All-Story Weekly, June 4, 1921
- Best Detective Magazine, March 1932
- The Runaway Skyscraper and Other Tales from the Pulps, Wildside,

- "New Father"
- Thrilling
Detective, November 1943
- "The Night Before the End of the World"
- Famous Fantastic
Mysteries, August 1948
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Night Drive"
- Today's Woman,March 1950
- Argosy, June 50 (British Edition)
- In the Grip, edited by Groff Conklin, Permabooks, 1951
- Twisted, edited by Groff Conklin, Belmont, 1962.
- Mindscape Reading Workshop, Mindscape School Software (Apple), 1986.
- "The Night Has a Thousand Eyes"
- Movie Magazine, November 1948
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Night to Survive"
- Saturday Evening
Post, May 1962.
- Argosy, April 1963
- "Nightmare
- Argosy, June 12, 1952
- Science Fiction +,
June, 1953
- The Forgotten
Planet, edited by Murray Leinster, Gnome, 1954.
- Planets of Adventure, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2003

"No More Battles"
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"No More Walls"
- Colliers,
- Mike Shane's
Mystery Magazine, December 1963
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"No Road Too Hard"
- Saturday Evening Post, May 12, 1962.
- "No More Battles"
"No Sentiment"
- People's Magazine, 2/1/23
- "Nobody Saw the
- Future,
May-June 1950
- Big Book of
Science Fiction, edited by Groff Conklin, Crown, 1950
- Monsters and Such,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1959
- Invaders from
Space, edited by Robert Silverberg, Hawthorne, 1972
- The Classic Book
of Science Fiction, edited by Groff Conklin, Bonanz/Crown, 1978
- The Classic Book
of Science Fiction, edited by Groff Conklin, Bonanz/Crown, 1982
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "North of
- Detective Fiction
Weekly, May 26, 1934
- "A Novelty of Ethics"
- "The Obtuse Angle"
- "The Off-Shore Breeze"
- Argosy All-Story Weekly, July 21, 1923
- "Oh, Aladdin"
- All Star Weekly,
1 November 1919
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Old Flame"
- Collier's, October 14, 1939
- "An Old Persian Customer"
- "The Oldest Story in the World"
- Weird Tales, August 1925
- Weird Tales, October 1938
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Once and For All"
- Collier's, November 23, 1940
- "One Corpse, Guaranteed"
- Famous Detective
Stories, August 1950
- "One-Fella Memena's Sting"
- Detective Fiction
Weekly, March 16, 1935
- "One Small Smudge of Soot"
- Black Mask,
March 1922
- Star Novels
Magazine, October 1931
- "One Solitary Virtue"
- Cowboy Stories, January 1935
- "One Tough Hombre"
- Western Round-Up, August 1934
- as Will F. Jenkins, "One Traitor Among Us"
- "The Only Honest Dick"
- Short Stories, September 10, 1934
- "The Other
- Galaxy, March
- Galaxy Reader of
Science Fiction, edited by Horace L. Gold, Crown, 1952
- Twists in Time,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1960
- One Hundred Years
of Science Fiction, edited by Damon Knight, Simon & Schuster,
- "The Other
- Startling Stories,
November 1949
- 6 Great Short
Novels of Science Fiction, edited by Groff Conklin, Dell, 1954
- "The Outlaw"
- Argosy, November 7, 1936,
- Rio Kid Western, July 1945
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Outlaw Sheriff"
- "Overdrive"
- Startling Stories, January 1953
- Startling Stories #14, 9-53 (British Edition)
- Adventures in the Far Future, edited by Donald A. Wollheim, Ace, 1954
- "Owner of the Aztec"
- "Padre Silvestre"
- Snappy Stories, 10/18/1918
- "Panhandle"
- as Will F. Jenkins,
- The Star Weekly,
12 June 1939
- "Pariah Planet" [a.k.a. "This World Is Taboo"]
- Amazing Stories,
July 1961
- Med Ship,
edited by Eric Flint & Guy Gordon, Baen, 2002

- "Party Line"
- Mike Shayne's
Mystery Magazine, May 1962
- "Payday"
- Thrilling
Detective, April 1944
- as Will F. Jenkins, "The Payoff"
- Cosmopolitan, August 1943
- "Payung"
- Everybody’s, September 1928
- The Seventh
Bullet, Black Dog Books, 2001
- "The Pebble of
- "People Are Funny"
- Phantom Detective, December 1944
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Persian Love Story"
- Saturday Evening Post, 1/18/47
- "Philosophie Ephemerale"
- "Pink Ears"
- "Pipeline to Pluto"
- Astounding, August 1945
- Science Fiction
Terror Tales, edited by Groff Conklin, Gnome, 1955
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Ballantine, 1978
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "Pirates of Ersatz (Part 1 of 3)" [a.k.a. "The Pirates of Zan"]
- Astounding, February 1959
- Astounding, May 59 (British Edition)
- A Logic Named Joe, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2005

- "Pirates of
Ersatz (Part 2 of 3)" [a.k.a. "The Pirates of Zan"]
- Astounding,
March 1959
- Astounding, June 59 (British Edition)
- A Logic Named Joe, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2005

- "Pirates of
Ersatz (Part 3 of 3)" [a.k.a. "The Pirates of Zan"]
- Astounding,
April 1959
- Astounding, July 1959 (British Edition)
- A Logic Named Joe, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2005

- "The Pirates of Zan"
- "Plague"
- Astounding,
February 1944
- Omnibus of
Science Fiction, edited by Groff Conklin, Crown, 1952
- Strange
Adventures in Science Fiction, edited by Groff Conklin, Grayson,
- Science Fiction
Omnibus, edited by Groff Conklin, Berkley, 1956
- The Omnibus of Science
Fiction, edited by Groff Conklin, Bonanza, 1980
- "Plague on Kryder
- Analog,
December 1964
- S.O.S. From Three
Worlds, edited by Murray Leinster, Ace, 1966
- The Med Series,
edited by Murray Leinster, Ace, 1983.
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- Med Ship,
edited by Eric Flint & Guy Gordon, Baen, 2002

- "Plague Ship"
- "A Planet Like Heaven"
- Worlds of If,
January 1966
- "Planet of Dread"
- Fantastic, May 1962
- The Most Thrilling Science Fiction Stories Ever Told #10, Fall 1968
- The Baen Big Book of Monsters, edited by Hank Davis, Baen, 10/14

- "Planet of Sand"
- Famous Fantastic
Mysteries, February 1948
- Get Off My World!,
edited by Murray Leinster, Belmont, 1966.
- "Planet of the Dead"
- The Most Thrilling Science Fiction Ever Told, Fall 1958
- Fantastic Stories of Imagination, May 1963
- "Planet of the Small Men"
- Thrilling Wonder Stories, April 1950
- "The Plants"
- Astounding, January 1946
- Astounding (British), May 1946
- Men Against the Stars, edited by Martin Greenberg, Gnome Press, 1950
- "Pocket Universes"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, Fall 1946.
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Poisoned Glass"
- Fighting Romance, January 1926
- Empire Frontier, December 1931
- "Poor Devils"
- Short Stories, April 1958
- Short Stories, October 1958 (British Edition)
- "Politics"
- Amazing, June
- Masters' Choice,
edited by Laurence M. Janifer, Simon & Schuster, 1966
- Science Fiction Classics,
- Future Tense,
edited by Richard Curtis, Dell, 1968
- 18 Greatest
Science Fiction Stories, Laurence M. Janifer, Tempo, 1971
- with Cody Marsh, "Porthole"
- "Portrait of a Nude"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Possessed"
- "The Power"
- Astounding,
September 1945
- Sidewise in Time, edited by Murray Leinster, Shasta, 1950.
- The Outer Reaches, edited by August Derleth, Pellegrini Cudahy, 1951
- Looking Forward, edited by Lesser, 1953
- The Time of Infinity, edited by August Derleth, Consul, 1963
- The History of the Science Fiction Magazine, Part 2, 1936-1945, edited by Mike
Ashley, NEL, 1975
- The Best of Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Ballantine, 1978
- Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury, edited by Isaac Asimov, et al.,
Bonanza/Crown, 1980
- Devil Worshippers, DAW 1980
- Space Mail, ed by Isaac Asimov, et al., Fawcett, 1980
- The Great Science Fiction Stories 7 (1945), edited by Isaac Asimov, DAW, 1982
- Histoires d'envahisseurs, edited by Gerard Klein, Le Livre de Poche, 1982
- Golden Years of SF, edited by Isaac Asimov, Bonanza Books, 1984.
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "The Power
- Amazing, June
- Avon Fantasy
Reader #1, Avon, 1947
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Preview of Tomorrow"
- "The Private God"
- Conflict, Fall 1933
- The Complete Northwest Novel, July 1937
- "Propagandist"
- Astounding,
August 1947
- Commander Story
Annual for Boys, edited by Eric Leyland, Sampson, 1950
- Possible Worlds
of Science Fiction, edited by Groff Conklin, Vanguard, 1951
- Stories of Scientific Imagination, edited by Joseph Gallant, Oxford Book Co., 1954
- Great Stories of
Time Travel, edited by Groff Conklin, Tempo, 1963.
- "Proxima
- Astounding,
March 1935
- Sidewise in Time,
edited by Murray Leinster, Shasta, 1950
- Conquest of the Stars, Malian Press, 1952
- Monsters and Such,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1959
- Before the Golden
Age, edited by Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1974
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976
- Road to Science
Fiction 2: From Wells to Heinlein, edited by James Gunn, Mentor,
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- Road to Science
Fiction 2: From Wells to Heinlein, edited by James Gunn, White
Wolf, 1999
- "The Psionic
- Amazing,
March 1955
- Fantastic,
September 1966.
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "The Purple Hieroglyph"
- "The Purple
- Illustrated
Detective Magazine, October 1930.
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Pygie Takes a Wife"
- "Quarantine
- Analog,
November 1966
- S.O.S. From Three
Worlds, edited by Murray Leinster, Ace, 1966
- The Med Series,
edited by Murray Leinster, Ace, 1983.
- Med Ship,
edited by Eric Flint & Guy Gordon, Baen, 2002

- "The Queen's Astrologer"
- Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1949
- Crossroads in Time, edited by Groff Conklin, Perma, 1953.
- Science Fiction Yearbook #4, edited by Sharon Moore, Popular
Library, 1970
- "The Queen's Peacock"
- Snappy Stories, 11/4/1919
- "Quest of the
Golden Lie"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "'RX' Marks the Sore Spot"
- as Louisa Carter Lee, "A Race with Vengeance"
- "Racing with Death"
- Fighting Romances from West and East, 12/25
- "The Racketeer
- "The Radio
- S&S Air
Trails, June 1931
- "Red Canyon"
- "The Red
- Argosy All-Story
Weekly, April 2, 1921
- Amazing Stories,
January 1927
- Super Science
Fantastic Stories, February 1945
- The Forgotten
Planet, edited by Murray Leinster, Gnome, 1954
- Tales of Wonder,
Date unknown
- Planets of Adventure, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2003

- "The Red
- Short Stories, February 25, 1926
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Red Win for Love"
- Today's Woman, January 1950
- "Regulations"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, August 1948.
- Planets of Adventure, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2003

- "The Reluctant Sinner"
- "Ribbon in the
- Astounding,
June 1957
- Great Science
Fiction About Doctors, edited by Groff Conklin & Noah D.
Fabricant, Collier, 1963
- S.O.S. From Three
Worlds, edited by Murray Leinster, Ace, 1966
- The Med Series,
edited by Murray Leinster, Ace, 1983.
- Med Ship,
edited by Eric Flint & Guy Gordon, Baen, 2002

- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "River Pride"
- Collier's, February 26, 1938
- "Rogue Star"
- Twists in Time,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1960.
- Four from Planet
- "The Rollers"
- Argosy, December 29, 1934
- "Rose O'Sharon"
- "The Runaway Skyscraper"
- Argosy,
February 22, 1919
- Amazing, June
- Amazing,
February 1956
- Amazing,
February 1966
- The Best of
Amazing, edited by Joseph Ross, Doubleday, 1967
- The Best of
Amazing, edited by Joseph Ross, Belmont Books, 1969
- Fantastic, January 1980
- New Horizons: Yesterdays Portraits of Tomorrow, edited by
August Derleth and Joseph Wrzos, Arkham House, 1998
- Wondrous
Beginnings, edited by Steven H Silver & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 2003
- at Project Gutenberg,
entered by Greg Weeks.
- The Runaway Skyscraper and Other Tales from the Pulps, Wildside,

- ""Run, Race-Haws!""
- Argosy All-Story Weekly, 10/29/21
- "Rustlin' Spooks"
- "Sacrifice"
- "Sagebrush Slings the Bull"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "The Saint"
- "Sam, This Is
- Galaxy, May
- Twists in Time,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1960
- Fantastische
Verhalen, 1965
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Corgi, 1976.
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "Sand Doom"
- Astounding,
December 1955
- Astounding, May 1956 (British Edition)
- Colonial Survey,
edited by Murray Leinster, Gnome, 1956
- The Planet
Explorer, Avon, 1957
- The Planet
Explorer, Bart Books, 1989
- Planets of Adventure, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2003

- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Sauvetage"
- Rie et Rac, March 29, 1939
- "Scrimshaw"
- Astounding,
September 1955
- Astounding, February 1956 (British Edition)
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Corgi, 1976.
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- Planets of Adventure, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2003

- "The Sculptured Pan"
- as by Burt L. Standish, "The Seagoing Locomotive"
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Search in the Mist"
- Saturday Evening Post, July 1, 1950
- Argosy, October 1950 (British Edition)
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "The Second Avenue Kid"
- Double-Action
Gang Magazine, April 1937
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "The Second Honymoon"
- "Second Landing"
- Thrilling Wonder Stories #103, 1953 (British Edition)
- Thrilling Wonder Stories,
Winter 1954
- Get Off My World!,
edited by Murray Leinster, Belmont, 1966.
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Second Mrs. Frayne"
- The Star Weekly,
31 December 1955
- as Will F. Jenkins, "The Secret of Room 917"
- "The
- Snappy Stories, August 1918
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Semiramis"
- "The
- Galaxy, April
- Year's Best
Science Fiction Novels 1954, edited by Everett F. Bleiler &
T.E. Dikty, Frederik Fell, 1954
- The Year's Best
Science Fiction Novels, Second Series, 1955
- as William
Fitzgerald, "The Seven Temporary Moons"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, February 1948.
- Out of This World, edited by Annabel Williams-Ellis & Mably Owen,
Blackie, 1960.
- "The Seventh
- Danger Trails, March 1926
- Jungle Stories, August 1931
- Pulp Review #3, March 1993
- The Seventh
Bullet, Black Dog Books, 2001
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "Shackled Love"
- Love Story Magazine, 10/3/25
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "A Shadow That Passed"
- Love Story Magazine, May 3, 1924
- "Sharks"
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Shelter Hut"
- Collier's, 1939
- Mike Shayne's Mystery Magazine, August 1962
- as by Will F. Jenkins "The Sheriff Deals in Facts"
- "The Sheriff Was a Runt"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "The Sheriff Writes a Letter"
- Smashing Western, January 1937
- "The Ship Was a Robot"
- Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1953.
- "Short History of World War Three"
- Astounding,
January 1958
- Astounding, October 1958 (British Edition)
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Shootout"
- Ranch Romances, September 6, 1957
- Ranch Romance & Adventures, May 1969
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Side Bet"
- Collier's,
July 31, 1937.
- Alfred Hitchcock
Presents: Stories for Late at Night, Random House, 1961
- Alfred Hitchcock
Presents: Twelve Stories for Late at Night, Dell, 1962
- Alfred Hitchcock
Presents: Stories for Late at Night, Volume 1, Pan, 1964
- Mysterious,
Menacing and Macabre, Elsvier, 1981
- "Sidewise in Time"
- Astounding,
June 1934
- Sidewise in Time,
edited by Murray Leinster, Shasta, 1950
- Worlds of Maybe,
edited by Robert Silverberg, Dell, 1970
- Before the Golden
Age, edited by Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1974
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Ballantine, 1978
- The Time Travellers--A Science Fiction Quartet, edited by Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Donald I. Fine, 1985
- Great Tales of Classic Science Fiction, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles Waugh, Galahad, 1988
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- Sidewise in Time,
Dercum Audio, 1998
- "SignalWeird"
- Top-Notch
Magazine, February 1, 1923
- "The Silver
Menace" (part I)
- Thrill Book,
September 1, 1919
- "The Silver
Menace" (Part II)
- Thrill Book,
September 15, 1919
- "Skag with the
Queer Head"
- Marvel Science
Fiction, August 1951
- Science Fiction
Adventures in Mutation, edited by Groff Conklin, Vanguard, 1955
- Mike Shayne's
Mystery Magazine, August 1961
- Sky Worlds, November 1977
- "The Skipper Knows Best"
- Short Stories, December 10, 1928
- Master Thrilling Series #3, 1933
- "The Skit-Tree Planet"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, April 1947
- Super Science Fiction Yearbook, 1951
- The Aliens,
edited by Murray Leinster, Berkley, 1960.
- Science Fiction Yearbook #5, edited by Sharon Moore, Popular
Library, 1971
- Planets of Adventure, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2003

- "The Sleep
- Argosy,
January 16, 1932.
- "The Slipper of Lizette"
- "Smart Bird,
- Short Stories, January 10, 1939
- "The Smart
- Detective Tales, October 1942
- “Solar Constant”
- as Will F. Jenkins, "The Soldado Ant"
(reprint of "Doomsday Deferred")
- American Science Fiction, 8/52
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Something for Steve"
- "Something New in Crime"
- Detective Fiction Weekly, June 25, 1932
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "Something to Love"
- Love Story Magazine, 8/1/25
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Sons of the Eagle"
- Western Action
Magazine, November 1936
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Song for Two Hands"
- Country Gentleman, August 1940
- "Sonny"
- "Space-Can"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, June 1948.
- "Space
- Amazing, 1965
- Amazing, 1966
- "Spaceman,(
Part 1 of 2)"
- "Spaceman, (Part
2 of 2)"
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "A Splendid Deception"
- Love Story Magazine, 6/5/26
- "The Spook Rustler"
- Five-Novels Monthly, 10/32
- "Spooner's Ride"
- Complete Love Novel Magazine, 8/30
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "The Square Guy"
- Detective Fiction
Weekly, June 8, 1929
- "Stella-Louise"
- Hemmets
Veckotidning, March 10, 1939
- "Stopover In
Space (Part 1 of 2)" [a.k.a. "Checkpoint Lambda"]
- Amazing, June
- A Murray Leinster
Omnibus, edited by Murray Leinster, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1968
- Science Fiction
Special 7, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973
- "Stopover In
Space (Part 2 of 2)" [a.k.a. "Checkpoint Lambda"]
- Amazing, August 1966
- A Murray Leinster
Omnibus, edited by Murray Leinster, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1968
- Science Fiction
Special 7, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973
- "Stories of the Hungry Country: The Case of Dona Clotilde"
- The Runaway Skyscraper and Other Tales from the Pulps, Wildside,

- "The Storm That
Had To Be Stopped"
- Argosy, March
1, 1930
- Startling Mystery
Stories #18, March 1971
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Stormflod"
- Dank Familie Blad, February 21, 1936
- "The Story of Rod
- Startling Stories, January 1949
- "The Strange Case of John Kingman"
- Astounding, May 1948
- Astounding, (British Edition) April 1949
- The Best Science iction Stories: 1949, edited by Everett F. Bleiler & T.E.
Dikty, Fell, 1949
- Great Stories of Science Fiction, edited by Murray Leinster, Random House, 1951
- Science Fiction Omnibus, edited by Everett F. Bleiler & T.E. Dikty, Garden City
Books, 1952
- Great Stories of
Science Fiction, edited by Murray Leinster, Cassel & Co. Ltd.,
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Ballantine, 1978
- The Arbor House Treasury of Science Fiction Masterpieces, edited by Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg,
Arbor House, 1983
- Great Tales of Science Fiction, edited by Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg,
Galahad, 1983
- Isaac Asimov
Presents the Great SF Stories: 10 (1948), edited by Isaac Asimov
& Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1983.
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "A Strange Inheritance"
- Love Story Magazine, March 27, 1926
- "The Strange Invasion"
- "The Strange
People, (Part 1 of 3)"
- "The Strange
People, (Part 2 of 3)"
- "The Strange
People, (Part 3 of 3)"
- "The Street of Magnificent Dreams"
- Argosy All-Story Weekly, August 5, 1922
- The Runaway Skyscraper and Other Tales from the Pulps, Wildside,

- "Suleiman-ben-Daoud"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Survival"
- Collier's, May 11, 1940
- Think What You Want, September 1940
- "The Swamp Was
Upside Down"
- Astounding,
September 1956
- Colonial Survey,
edited by Murray Leinster, Gnome, 1956.
- The Planet
Explorer, Avon, 1957
- The Planet
Explorer, Bart Books, 1989
- Planets of Adventure, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2003

- "Sword of Kings"
- Frontier Stories, 6/27
- Frontier Stories (UK), 1/28
- "Swords and Mongols"
- Golden Fleece, April 1939
- as Will F. Jenkins,
- Collier's,
June 14, 1947
- Great Stories of
Science Fiction, edited by Murray Leinster, Random House, 1951
- Great Stories of
Science Fiction, edited by Murray Leinster, Cassel & Co. Ltd.,
- Stories of Scientific Imagination, edited by Joseph Gallant, Oxford Book Co., 1954
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Ballantine, 1978.
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- as Will F. Jenkins, "The Syncopated Marriage"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "A Tale of the Sea"
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Tale of the Widowed Sea-Serpent"
- "Tallien Three" [a.k.a. "The Hate Disease]
- Analog,
August 1963
- Doctor to the
Stars, edited by Murray Leinster, Pyramid, 1964
- Med Ship,
edited by Eric Flint & Guy Gordon, Baen, 2002

- "Tanks"
- "Teetotal and the
Six-Gun Spirits"
- Westerns of the
40’s, edited by Damon Knight, Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1977
- Western Classics
from the Great Pulps, edited by Damon Knight, Harper & Row,
- as Will F. Jenkins,
- Collier's,
March 15, 1956.
- Bestseller
Mystery Magazine, September 1958.
- "Ten Grand"
- "Terror"
- The American Magazine, August 1946
- Argosy, July 1948 (British Edition)
- The Toronto Star Weekly Magazine, 8/27/55
- Great Horror Stories, edited by Rosamund Morris, Hart 1965
- Masterpieces of
Horror, Hart 1966
- Uncanny Tales of
Unearthly and Unexpected Horrors, Dutton/Lodestar 1983
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Terrror Above"
- "Terror at the Night"
- "That Young Roundhouse Hero"
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "There Is a Romance"
- Love Story Magazine, 11/20/26
- "There's No Accounting for Girls"
- "Thief"
- People's Story Magazine, August 10, 1922
- Best Western Stories, Mallard Press, 1990
- "Thing from the
- The Aliens,
edited by Murray Leinster, Berkley, 1960.
- "Things Pass
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, Summer 1945
- Giant Anthology
of SF, edited by Leo Margulies & Oscar J. Friend, Merlin, 1954
- Fantastic Story,
Winter, 1954
- The Earth in
Peril, edited by Donald Wollheim, Ace, 1957.
- "The Third Love of Aileen Duzant"
- "Third Man's It"
- "Third
- Worlds of
Tomorrow, April 1963.
- "This Star Shall
Be Free"
- Super Science
Stories, November 1949
- Invaders of Earth,
edited by Groff Conklin, 1952
- Asleep in
Armageddon, edited by Michael Sissons, Panther, 1962
- Speculations,
edited by Thomas E. Sanders, Glencoe Press, 1973.
- "This World is Taboo"
- "A Thousand
Degrees Below Zero"
- Thrill Book,
July 15, 1919.
- "The Three Wide Men"
- "Through the Window"
- "Tight
- Astounding, July 1945
- The Old Masters, Brian Davis, NEL, 1970.
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Tik-Lui, the God"
- Country Gentleman, August 1937
- "Time to
- Astounding,
January 1947
- Astounding, April 1948 (British Edition)
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Corgi, 1976.
- "To All Fat
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "To Build a Robot Brain"
- Astounding, April 1954
- Astounding, September 1954 (British Edition)
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "To I en Baad"
- Dank Familie Blad, May 22, 1936
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Too Hot to Handle"
- "The Touch of Midas"
- "Tradition"
- "The Trail of Blood"
- The Danger Trail, September 1926
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Trailing Trouble"
- Popular Detective, February 1944
- Popular Detective, (Canadian Edition) 12/44
- "The Trans-Human"
- Science Fiction +,
December 1953
- Monsters and Such,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1959.
- "The Trap"
- "Trapped"
- True Experience, November 1947
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Tre Mand og en Haj"
- Dank Familie Blad, June 3, 1938
- "Trog"
- Astounding,
June 1944
- Astounding, October 1944 (British Edition)
- "Trouble on the Bar-Q"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "The Trouble on the Dude Ranch"
- Black Bat Detective Mysteries, November 1933
- High Adventure, 11/02
- "Trouble on the Voyage"
- "Tuilagi"
- The Danger Trail, April 1927
- "The Two Gun Kid"
- Triple X Western, 8/31
- Triple X Western, 9/31
- Triple X Western, 10/31
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Two in a Boat"
- Fiction Parade, 5/36
- Colliers,
- Mike Shane's
Mystery Magazine, November 1962
- "Tyrants Need to
Be Loved"
- Fantastic Science
Fiction Stories, February 1960
- as Florinda Martel,
"The Ugly Duckling"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Under Chitna's Clouds"
- Collier's, 11/11/39
- Toronto Star Weekly, 10/1/55
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Under Suspicion"
- "Understanding"
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Uneasy Homecoming"
- Weird Tales, April 1935
- Argosy, April 1952 (British Edition)
- Suspense,
John Murray, 1982
- The Penguin Book
of Horror Stories, Penguin, 1984
- "Unexpected Homecomings"
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "The Unkissed Wife"
- "The Vault"
- "Vengeance"
- "Verse (a la Alice)"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "A Very Nice Family"
- Country Gentleman, January 2, 1937
- Liberty, 1/2/1937
- Anthology of Best Short Stories, Volume 8, 1937
- "Village of Plenty Fella Hell"
- Detective Fiction Weekly, January 12, 1935
- "Village of the Devil-Devil Drums"
- Danger Trails, June 1928
- Adventure Novels, January 1938
- "Virgil and the
- Snappy Stories, February 25, 1921
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, " A Virginia Christmas"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "The Vixen"
- The Star Weekly, July 26, 1952
- "W.S.S."
- All-Story Weekly, August 2, 1919
- "The Wabbler"
- Astounding, October 1942
- Beyond Human Ken, edited by Judith Merril, Random House, 1952
- Selections from Beyond Human Ken, edited by Judith Merril, Pennant, 1954
- Best SF 3, edited by Edmund Crispin, Faber & Faber, 1958
- Time Probe: The Sciences in SF, edited by Arthur C. Clarke, Delacorte, 1966
- Science Fiction of the 40s, edited by Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Avon, 1978
- Analog: War & Peace, edited by Stanley Schmidt, Davis, 1983.
- Machines That Kill, edited by Fred Saberhagen & Martin H. Greenberg, Tor, 1992
- "Wall of
- "The Wallet That
Weighed Too Much"
- "Wanted"
- Movie Magazine, June 1948
- "Wanted-Dead or Alive"
- Triple-X Magazine, 2/29
- Triple-X Magazine, 3/29
- Triple-X Magazine, 5/29
- "The War Goes
- Sky Fighters, November 1942
- "War of the
Purple Gas" Part I
- Argosy, February 24, 1934
- "War of the
Purple Gas" Part II
- "The Warehouse
- Black Bat
Detective Mysteries, April 1934
- "Warf
- S&S Detective
Story Magazine, February 25, 1933
- "Way of the Gods"
- Thrilling Wonder Stories, 4/47
- as Will F. Jenkins, "We Were in the Smoking-Room"
- "The Web"
- Good Housekeeping, September 1944
- "Wells of Pilduri"
- "West Wind"
- Astounding, March
- 3 in 1,
edited by Leo Margulies, Pyramid, 1963.
- "When the Death Bird Sings"
- Ace-High Magazine, 11/21
- Adventure Novels, January 1938
- "When the Lights Came On"
- "Whiplash"
- Movie Magazine, January 1949
- "White-Man-Devil"
- Wide World Adventures, June 1930
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "White Man's Burden"
- "White Spot"
- Startling Stories,
Summer 1955
- Get Off My World!,
edited by Murray Leinster, Belmont, 1966.
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Wild Waters"
- "A Wireless for the Fangless One"
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "Woman Shy"
- Love Story Magazine, 9/11/26
- "The Woman Who Sold Herself"
- "Women's Work"
- Original Science Fiction Stories, November 1956
- "Wormwood and General Detecting"
- Argosy All-Story Weekly, August 25, 1923
- "Wrath Unchained"
- The Popular Magazine, 6/20/16
- "The Wreck of the Israel Holman"
- "The Wrong Floor"
- "You Can't Get Away With It"
- All-Story Weekly, February 2, 1918
- The Underworld, November 5, 1927
- "You Kissed Me"
- as by Jean Farquar, "You Woman!"
- "Your Great Great Great Grandmother and the Atom Bomb"
- National Home Monthly, February 1946
- "Young Men and Prideful"
- Argosy, February 18, 1930
- "The Young Signor"
- Short Stories, August 25, 1940
- Short Stories, December 1941 (British Edition)
- Mike Shayne's Mystery Magazine, November 1962
- "Youth"
- Short Story, December 1958