- The Black Galaxy, Galaxy, 1954. Cover by Ed Emshwiller.
- Die schwarze Galaxis, Rastatt, Pabel, 1957
(German). Cover by Obrosch.
- Le galaxie noir, Satellite, 1958. Translated by Rosine Chomet Pierre Tarnier. (French)
- Le galaxie noir, Le Masque, 1974 (French)
- as Will F. Jenkins, Black Sheep,
Julian Messer, 1936.
- Texas Gun-Law, Quarter Books, 1949 (abridgement of Black

- The Brain-Stealers,
Ace, November 1954. Ace Double D-79, backed with Francis Rufus Bellamy's Atta. Covers by Ed
- Reprinted, Badger, 1960. (British)
- as Will F. Jenkins, Cattle Rustlers,
Ward Lock, 1952.
- Checkpoint Lambda, Berkley, 1966. Cover by Richard Powers.
- Included in A Murray Leinster Omnibus,
Sidgwick & Jackson, 1968.
- City on the Moon, Avalon, 1957.
- Reprinted, Ace, 1958.Ace Double D-277, backed with Donald A. Wollheim's Men on
the Moon. Covers by Ed
- Die Mondstadt, Ullstein, 1976.
- Creatures of the Abyss, Berkley, 1961. Cover by Richard Powers.
- Also known as The Listeners, Sidgwick &
Jackson, 1969. (British)
- Also known as The Listeners, Science Fiction
Book Club, 1971 (British)
- as Will F. Jenkins, Dallas, Fawcett,
1950. Novelization of screenplay by John Twist.
- Reprinted, Fawcett, 1961
- The Duplicators,
Ace, 1964. Ace Double F-275, backed with Philip High's No Truce
with Terra. Covers by
Jack Gaughan (Leinster) and Ed Emshwiller (High).
- This is a reprint of "Lord of the Uffts."
- A Logic Named Joe, edited by Eric Flint, Baen Books, 2005

- Fight for Life, Crestwood, 1949.
- as Will F. Jenkins, Fighting Horse Valley,
King, 1934.
- Texas Gun Slinger, Star Books, 1949 (abridgement of
Fighting Horse Valley).

- Four from
Planet 5, Fawcett, 1959. Cover by Paul Lehr.
- Reprinted Fawcett, March 1964. Cover by Paul Lehr.
- Reprinted White Lion Pub., 1974 (British)
- The Forgotten Planet, Gnome Press, 1954. Cover by Ric Binkley.
- La planete oubliee, J'ai Lu, 1954. Translated by Michel Averlant. (French)
- Reprinted, Ace, 1956. Ace Double D-146, backed with Lee Correy's Contraband Rocket. Covers by Maltzoff (Leinster) and Valigursky (Correy).
- Der vergessene Planet, Rastatt, Pabel, 1957
(German). Cover by Obrosch.
- Reprinted, Ace, 1961
- Reprinted, Crown, 1984. Introduction by George Zebrowski, Foreword by Isaac Asimov. Cover by Michael Booth.
- Reprinted, Greenhouse, 1986. Introduction by George Zebrowski, Foreword by Isaac Asimov. Cover by Michael Booth. (Australian)
- Reprinted, Carol & Graf, 1990
- as Will F. Jenkins, The Gamblin' Kid,
A.L. Burt, 1933.
- Gateway to Elsewhere,
Ace, 1954. Ace Double D-53, backed with A.E. van Vogt's The Weapons Shops of Isher. Cover by Meltzoff (van
- A Logic Named Joe, edited by Eric Flint, Baen Books, 2005

- The Greks Bring Gifts, Macfadden, 1964. Cover by Richard Powers.
- Totaalgeschenk, Ridderhof, 1964. Translated by J. Peels.
- Reprinted, Macfadden, 1968. Cover by Richard Powers.
- Reprinted, Manor, June 1975.
- Review of The Greks Bring Gifts.
- as Will F. Jenkins, Guns for Achin,
Wright & Brown, 1936.
- as Louisa Carter Lee, Her Desert Lover, Chelsea House, 1925.
- Invaders of Space, Berkley, December 1964.
Cover by Richard Powers.
- Reprinted, Tandem, 1968 (British)
- Included in A Murray Leinster Omnibus,
Sidgwick & Jackson, 1968.
- as Will F. Jenkins, Kid Deputy,
Alfred H. King, 1935. Cover
by Rodewald.
- as Louisa Carter Lee, Love and Better: A Love Story,
Chelsea House, 1931.
- as Will F. Jenkins, The Man Who Feared,
Gateway, 1942.
- Reprinted, Journal of
Living Publishing, 1946.
- as Will F. Jenkins, Mexican Trail,
A.L. Burt, 1933.
- Miners in the Sky, Avon, April 1967.
Cover by Paul Lehr.
- Reprinted, Sphere, 1968 (British)
- Mr. Binder and the Solid Vacuum,
- The Monster from Earth's End, Fawcett,
January, 1959. Cover by
- Reprinted, White Lion Pub., 1973 (British)
- as Will F. Jenkins, Murder in the Family,
John Hamilton, 1935 (British).
- Murder Madness, Brewer & Warren, 1931;
- Reprinted, FPCI, 1949. Cover by William Benulis.
- Included in Quadratic.
- as Will F. Jenkins, The Murder of the
U.S.A., Crown, 1946.
- Reprinted, Handi-Book, 1947.
- Reprinted as Destroy the U.S.A., Newsstand,
1950 (Canadian).
- as Will F. Jenkins, Murder Will Out,
John Hamilton, 1932 (British).
- The Mutant Weapon, Ace, 1959.
Ace Double D-403, backed with Murray Leinster's The Pirates
of Zan. Covers by Ed
- Reprinted as The Med Series, Ace, 1983.
with S.O.S. from Three Worlds and This World is Taboo.
Cover by James Warhola.
- as Will F. Jenkins, No Clues, Wright
& Brown, 1935.
- Operation: Outer Space, Fantasy Press, 1954.
Cover by John T. Brooks.
- Reprinted, Grayson and Grayson, 1957. (British)
- Reprinted, Signet, April 1957. Cover by Robert Schultz.
- Fernsehstudio Galaxis, Rastatt, Pabel, 1958 (German).
Cover by Obrosch.
- Reprinted, Signet, 1969
- Operation Terror, Berkley, 1962.
Cover by Richard Powers.
- Included in A Murray Leinster Omnibus,
Sidgwick & Jackson, 1968.
- Reprinted, Tandem, 1968.
- The Other Side of Here,
Ace, 1955. Ace Double D-94,
backed with A.E. van Vogt's One Against Eternity (a.k.a. The
Weapon Makers). Covers
by Meltzoff (Leinster) and Valigursky (van Vogt).
- The Other Side of Nowhere,
Berkley, 1964. Cover by
Richard Powers.
- Outlaw Deputy, Star Guidance, 1950.
- Reprinted Harlequin, 1954.
- Outlaw Guns, Star Books, 1950.
- as Will F. Jenkins, Outlaw Sheriff,
King, 1934.
- Also known as Rustlin' Sheriff, Eldon Press,
- The Pirates of Zan, Ace, 1959. Also known as
The Pirates of Ersatz. Ace
Double D-403, backed with Murray Leinster's The Mutant Weapon.
Covers by Ed Emshwiller.
- Reprinted, Ace, 1971.
- Reprinted, Bart Books, March, 1989.
- A Logic Named Joe, edited by Eric Flint, Baen Books, 2005

- Scalps, Brewer & Warren, 1930.
- Also known as Wings of Chance, John
Hamilton, 1935. Not science fiction.
- as Will F. Jenkins, Son of the Flying "Y", Fawcett, 1951. Cover
by A. Leslie Ross.
- Reprinted, Fawcett, 1953.
Cover by A. Leslie Ross.
- Adapted as The Fighting Tornado, a comic book adaptation
by Barry Ford, Percy Brothers, 4/2/58.
- Space Captain,
Ace, 1966.
Ace Double M-135, backed with Philip High's The Mad
Metropolis (a.k.a. Double Illusion).
Covers by Jack Gaughan (High) and Gray Morrow (Leinster).
- Space Ferry, Shasta, 1952.
- Space Gypsies, Avon, 1967. Cover by Paul Lehr.
- Reprinted, Sphere, 1968 (British).
- Space Platform, Pocket, January (also March, June) 1953. Cover by Earle Bergey.
- Reprinted, Shasta, February 1953.
- Reprinted, Belmont, April 1965.
- Space Tug, Shasta, 1953
- Reprinted, Pocket, November 1954.
Cover by Robert Schulz.
- Reprinted, Pocket, 1955.
Cover by Robert Schulz.
- Reprinted, Belmont, August 1965.
Cover by Jack Gaughan.
- Reprinted, Belmont, 1968.
Cover by Jack Gaughan.
- Sword of Kings, John Long, 1933.
- Talents Incorporated, Avon, 1962.
- Die galaktische Verschworung, Bastei-Lubbe, 1973. Cover by Eddie Jones.
- Time Tunnel, Pyramid, July, 1964.
Cover by Jack Gaughan.
- Reprinted, Pyramid, 1966.
- Der Tunnel in die Vergangenheit, Terra (Moewig)
- The Time Tunnel, Pyramid, 1967. Novelization
of TV series. Cover by Jack
- Reprinted, Pyramid, 1976.
- Timeslip!, Pyramid, 1967. Novelization of TV
- Tunnel Through Time, Westminster Press,
1966. (juvenile)
- The Wailing Asteroid, Avon, 1960.
Cover by Richard Powers.
- Reprinted, Avon, December 1966.
- Reprinted, Sphere, 1968.
- Wanted Dead or Alive!, Quarter Books, 1949.
Not science fiction.
- Reprinted, Wright & Brown, 1950.
- War with the Gizmos,
Fawcett, 1958. Cover by
Richard Powers.