- "... If You Can Get It"
- Astounding, November 1943.
- "A for Alice"
- "According to the Directory"
- "Adapter"
- Astounding,
March 1946.
- Astounding,
August 1948 (British Edition)
- "After Two Cigarettes"
- "The Aliens"
- Astounding,
August 1959
- Astounding,
January1960 (British Edition)
- The Aliens,
edited by Murray Leinster, Berkley, 1960
- Out of This World
6, edited by Annabel Williams-Ellis & Mably Owen, Blackie,
- "All Rescuers Will Be Prosecuted"
- "Alles Fur"
- Neue
Illustrierte, 2/4/56
- "The Amateur
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, Fall 1954.
- "The Ambulance
Made Two Trips"
- Astounding,
April 1960
- Astounding,
July 1960 (British Edition)
- Never In This
World, edited by Idella Purnell Stone, Fawcett Gold Medal, 1971.
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"El amor de Senor Duchet"
- "Ample Water"
- Sunset, 1/25
- Grit, 8/1/26
- "And See the World"
- "Anthropological
- F&SF,
April 1957
- The Aliens,
edited by Murray Leinster, Berkley, 1960
- Planets of Adventure, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2003
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Anti-Climax"
- "Argument"
- "As It Turns Out"
- "The Ass"
- Pleides Club Year
Book, 1918-1919
- as William
Fitzgerald, "Assignment on Pasik"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, February 1949
- Adventures on
Other Planets, edited by Donald A. Wollheim, Ace, 1955
- (as "In
Geheimer Mission suf Pasik") Utopia Science Fiction
- Planets of Adventure, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2003

- "Atmosphere"
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Atoms Over America, Part I"
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Atoms Over America, Part II"
- "Attention Saint Patrick"
- Astounding,
January 1960.
- Astounding (British Edition), April 1960.
- "Aztec Gold"
- Fighting Romances from the West and East,
- "Bad Man"
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "A Bad One for an Enemy"
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "The Bad Samaritan"
- "Baldy Rides a Hunch"
- Argosy All-Story Weekly, 7/30/21
- "The Barber
Shaves Himself"
- Thrilling
Detective, 1/44.
- "Bargain for an
- Popular Detective,
December 1944.
- "The
- Space Science
Fiction, 9/52.
- Space Science
Fiction #1 (British edition), 1952
- "The Battle of
the Bunkhouse"
- Thrilling Western,
- "Battle Piece"
- "Be Young
- Future and
Science Fiction Stories, 7-8/50.
- "The Beast"
- "Beats Big Shot's
- Detective
Fiction Weekly, 10/15/32.
- with George B. Jenkins, Jr. "The Beautiful Thing"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Beautiful Widow"
- "The Bell of
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "The Betrothal of Juana"
- Woman's Home Companion, 7/48
- Argosy, 9/48 (British Edition).
- British Broadcasting Corporation.
- "Betty"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Between Moves"
- "Beyond the
Sphinxes' Cave"
- Astounding,
November 1933
- "The Big Mob"
- International Detective Magazine, 7/33
- Double-Action Gang Magazine, 2/37
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Biography"
- The Country Gentleman, 10/42
- "The Black
- Startling Stories,
March 194
- "The Black
- as Will F. Jenkins,"Black Sheep"
- Adventure,
- Triple Western,
- as Will F. Jenkins, "The Black Stone of Agharti"
- Short Stories, 9/10/30
- Adventure Yarns, 8/38
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Blind Date"
- American Magazine,
December 1942
- "Board
- "The Boast of Mat
- Popular Fiction
Magazine, 11/31
- "The Body in the
- Black Bat
Detective Mysteries, 10/33
- Black Bat
Detective Mysteries, 10/33 (facsimile reprint)
- Behind the Mask
#31, 3/95
- High Adventure
#30, 9/96
- "The Boomerang
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, June 1947
- The Last
Spaceship, edited by Murray Leinster, Fell 1949
- "Boots"
- as Will F.
Jenkins, "Border Renegade"
- Cowboy Short
Stories, 10/38
- "Borneo
- "Bosom Friends"
- Everybody's Combined with Romance, 1/30
- "The Boy"
- "The Boys in the Bunkhouse"
- "Brains"
- as Joe Gregg, "Brains Does It"
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Broken Engagement"
- Collier's, 10/30/37
- The Star Weekly,
17 March 1956
- "The Bronze Buddha"
- "Buck Comes
- "A Buckaroo Rides"
- as Will F.
Jenkins, "Bull's-eye"
- People�s Story
Magazine, 5/10/22
- Double-Action
Gang Magazine, 12/36
- "Business Is Pleasure"
- Argosy All-Story Weekly, 6/17/22.
- as Will F. Jenkins, "By an Unknown Lover"
- Woman's Home Companion, 6/50
- "By the Guns Forgot"
- Fifteen Western
Tales, 12/47
- Westerns of the
40�s, edited by Damon Knight,
Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1977
- Western Classics
from the Great Pulps, edited by Damon Knight, Harper & Row,
- "A Cabin in the Wilderness"
- Argosy All-Story Weekly, 4/6/18
- as Will F.
Jenkins, "Caf� Continental"
- Dank Familie
Blad, 5/27/38
- as Rafaele Yborra, "The Cafe Without a Name: The Mystery of a
Restaurant Where One Could Dine But Once"
- "The Calidad Holdup"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Captain Morgan Was a Gentleman"
- "The Captain of the Carnatic"
- "The Captain of the Quiberon"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Captains All"
- Collier's, 11/15/41
Argosy, 3/42 (British Edition)
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Career"
- Liberty Magazine, 5/20/44
- "Carefulness"
- "The Case of the Homicidal Robots"
- F&SF,
August 1961
- Once and Future
Tales from the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, edited by
Edward Ferman, Delphi Press, 1968
- "Casey"
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "Cast Aside"
- Love Story Magazine, 10/23/26
- "The
- Argosy, September 1946
- Universe,
June 1953
- Monsters and Such,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1959
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "The Challenge
from Beyond"
- Fantasy Magazine,
- Perry Rhodan,
101 Blockade: Lepso, edited by Karl Brand, Ace Books, 1976
- The Challenge
from Beyond, Necronomicon Press, 1990
- "Checkmate"
- Star Novels
Magazine, 9/31
- "Checkpoint Lambda"
- "Choice"
- "The Chromatic
- Adventure Novels
and Short Stories, 7/37
- "Chuckles"
- Popular
Detective, 12/43
- Top Detective
Annual, 1952
- "The City of the
- Detective Fiction
Weekly, December 28, 1929
- Argosy,
- Startling
Mystery Stories #12, Spring 1969
- "Cleverness"
- "The Cleverness
of Baron DeCittabola"
- "The Clohtes Fakers: How Some Children of Mother Nature Were Shown
Up in Their True Light and Cured"
- "Combat Team"
- "The Coney Island
- Black Bat
Detective Mysteries, 11/33
- High Adventure, 11/02
- "Cops Think
Crooks Are Fools"
- Detective
Fiction Weekly, 8/5/33
- "The Corianis
- Science Fiction
Stories, May, 1960
- Original Science
Fiction Stories, 5/60
- Seven Come
Infinity, edited by Groff Conklin, Fawcett, 1960
- "A Couple of Nice
- "The
Covenant" (Part IV)
- Parts 1, 2,
3, 5 were written by Poul Anderson, Isaac Asimov, Robert Sheckley and
Robert Bloch.
- Fantastic,
July 1960
- The Most Thrilling
Science Fiction Stories Ever Told #2, 1966
- "The Cow Creek
- "The Crag in the Pyrenees"
- "Crazy"
- "Crime on Tristan"
- "Crime Wave"
- "Critical
Difference" [a.k.a. "Solar Constant"]
- Astounding,
July 1956
- Astounding, (British Edition) 12/56
- Colonial Survey,
edited by Murray Leinster, Gnome, 1956
- The Planet
Explorer, Avon, 1957
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Ballantine, 1978
- The Planet
Explorer, Bart Books, 1989
- Planets of Adventure, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2003

- "Cupid, M.D."
- as William
Fitzgerald, "Cure for a Ylith"
- Startling Stories,
November 1949
- Operation Future,
edited by Groff Conklin, Perma Books, 1955
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "The Curse"
- Snappy Stories, 5/18/1919
- "The Curse of
Golden Hill"
- "Dames"
- "Damned by Prejudice"
- "The Darkness on
Fifth Avenue"
- Argosy,
November 30, 1929
- Adventure Novels,
- Fantastic Stories
of Imagination, March 1962
- Startling
Mystery Stories #5, Summer 1967
- with Leslie Burton Blades, Rosalind Blades, Helen Hysell, George B.
Jenkins, Jr., and Cynthia Wooloford, "The Day of the Dead" (chapter
- "The Day of the Deepies"
- Famous Fantastic
Mysteries, October 1947
- Shot in the Dark,
edited by Judith Merrill, Bantam, 1950
- Famous Fantastic
Mysteries, Grammercy, 1991
- "De Profundis"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, Winter 1945
- Sidewise in Time,
edited by Murray Leinster, Shasta, 1950
- Far Boundaries,
edited by August Derleth, Pellegrini Cudahy, 1951
- Fantastic Story
Magazine, 5/53
- Monsters and Such,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1959
- Treasury of
Great Science Fiction Stories #2, edited by Jim Hendryx, Jr., Popular LIbrary 1965
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976
- The Great SF
Stories 7 (1945, edited by Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg,
DAW, 1982
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "Dead City"
- "A Dead Man
Started It"
- "Dead Man�s
- "Dead Man's Shoes"
- West, 3/4/31
- West, 3/18/31
- West, 4/1/31
- as William
Fitzgerald, "The Deadly Dust"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, August 1947
- Out of This World,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avalon, 1958
- "Dear
- Fantastic Story
Magazine, May 1953
- Twists in Time,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1960
- A Logic Named Joe, edited by Eric Flint, Baen Books, 2005

- "Death in the
- The Saint,
- The Saint
(British Edition), 1/59
- "Death Lagoon"
- Three Star Magazine, 12/2/28
- "Death On Cow Creek"
- Complete Western Book Magazine, 8/36
- "Death Rides with the Kid"
- "The Deep Sea
- "Deputy"
- Thrilling Western, 9/43
- Thrilling Rangers (British), 10/45
- "Destiny is Respectable"
- as William
Fitzgerald, "The Devil of East Lupton, Vermont"
- Thrilling Wonder Stories, August 1948
- Los Cuentos Fantasticos, Vol 1, #10
- The Other Side of the Moon, edited by August Derleth, Pellegrini Cudahy, 1949
- Science Fiction Yearbook #4, edited by Sharon Moore, Popular Library, 1970
- The Best of Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Devil's Henchman"
- Argosy, May 1952
- The Supernatural Reader, edited by Groff Conklin & Lucy Conklin, Lippincott, 1953
- Isaac Asimov's Magical World of Fantasy #2: Witches, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles Waugh, NAL, 1984
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Devil on Apuru"
- "The Devil-Devil
- Adventure,
- Adventure Novels and Short Stories, 4/39
- "The Disciplinary
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, Winter 1946
- The Last
Spaceship, edited by Murray Leinster, Fell 1949
- "Doctor"
- Galaxy,
February 1961
- Worlds Apart,
edited by Annabel Williams-Ellis and Mably Owen, Blackie, 1966
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Doomsday Deferred"
- The Saturday Evening Post, September 24, 1949
- Saturday Evening Post Stories of 1949
- Los Cuentos Fantasticos, 11/49
- Argosy, 3/50 (British Edition)
- Best SF Stories 1950, edited by Everett F. Bleiler, 1950
- Best SF Stories, edited by Everett F. Bleiler & T.E. Dikty, Grayson & Grayson1951
- Science Fiction Omnibus, edited by Everett F. Bleiler, Garden City Books, 1952
- Br-r-r-!, edited by Groff Conklin, Avon, 1959
- The Post Reader of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Doubleday, 1964
- Alfred Hitchcock's Monster Museum, Random House, 1965
- Strange Beasts and Unnatural Monsters, Fawcett Crest, 1968
- First Contact, edited by Damon Knight, Pinnacle, 1971
- Alfred Hitchcock's Monster Museum, Collins-Lion, 1973
- Fantasy Voyages, Curtis Publishing, 1979
- Alfred Hitchcock's Monster Museum, Random House, 1982
- Future Earth: Under South American Skies, edited by Mike Resnick, DAW, 1993
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "Double for
- Strange Detective
Mysteries, 11/42
- Strange Detective
Mysteries (Canada), 12/42
- "The Driving
- Complete Northwest Magazine, 7/38
- Scarlet Riders,
edited by Don Hutchison, Mosaic Press, 1998
- "The Duc of Luneville"
- "The Duplex Cross"
- People's Magazine, 5/1/24.
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Dusk to Daybreak"
- "The Earth
Shaker", Part I
- "The Earth
Shaker", Part II
- "The Earth
Shaker", Part III
- "The Earth
Shaker", Part IV
- as Will F. Jenkins, "East Face"
- The Strand Magazine, 2/40
- "East of
- "The Edge of
- "The Embompont of Angelica"
- "The Emerald
- Short Stories, 2/10/30
- Adventure Yarns,
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Emergency for Doctor Hamlin"
- Saturday Evening Post, 1/5/51
- "The End"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, December 1946
- Twists in Time,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1960
- "The End of El Jefe"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Ending, With Honors"
- Collier's,
- Fifteen Short
Surprise Stories, Royce, 1945
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Enemy of the State"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "The Ending of El Jefe"
- "Ennui" (poem)
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Escape"
- "The Eternal Now"
- Thrilling Wonder Stories, Fall 1944
- Fantastic Story Magazine, 1/53
- The Shape of Things, edited by Damon Knight, Popular Library, 1967
- The Future Makers, edited by Peter Haining, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1968
- Science Fiction Special (5), Sidgewick & Jackson
- "The Ethical
- Astounding,
June 1945
- A Treasury of Science
Fiction, edited by Groff Conklin, Crown, 1948
- Astounding (British), June, 1950
- Science Teacher's
World, 2/6/58
- Science Teacher's
World, 2/20/58
- Giants Unleashed,
edited by Groff Conklin, Grosset & Dunlap, 1965
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Ballantine, 1978
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "Eusebius the Cenobite"
- as Earl Stanley
Gardner, "Even Money"
- Detective Fiction
Weekly, 8/3/29
- "Eviadne's Undies"
- "Evidence"
- Argosy All-Story Weekly, 7/12/19
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Exile"
- The Country Gentleman, 9/41
- "Exploration
Team" [a.k.a. "Combat Team"]
- Astounding,
March 1956
- Astounding,
August 1958 (British Edition)
- Colonial Survey,
edited by Murray Leinster, Gnome, 1956
- The Planet
Explorer, Avon 1957
- The Hugo Winners,
Vol. 1, edited by Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1962
- Spectrum 3,
edited by Kingsley Amis & Robert Conquest, Harcourt, Brace &
World, 1963
- Tales from the
Galaxies, edited by Annabel Williams-Ellis & Michael Pearson,
Pan Piccolo, 1973
- Explorers of
Space, edited by Robert Silverberg, Nelson, 1975
- Great SF Stories
18 (1956), edited by Isaac Asimov, 1988
- The Planet
Explorer, Bart Books, 1989
- First Contact,
Dercum Audio, 1998
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press

- Planets of Adventure, edited by Eric Flint, Baen, 2003

- "The Extra
- Argosy,
November 30, 1935.
- "The Eye of Black
- Short Stories, 1/10/30
- Adventure Novels,
- Short Stories,
- "The Eyes of the
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Falling Trapeze"
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "False Hearts and True"
- Love Story Magazine, 6/19/26
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Fate Doesn't Care"
- "The Fear
- Super Science
Stories, 1/50
- "Fever"
- "The
Fifth-Dimension Catapult"
- Astounding,
January 1931
- Science Fiction
of the 1930s, edited by Damon Knight, Bobbs-Merrill, 1975
- Black Gate 9, Fall 2005
- "The Fifth
Dimension Tube"
- Astounding,
January 1933
- Astounding: 60th
Anniversary Collection, edited by Stanley Schmidt, Easton Press,
- "The Fine Art of Forgiving"
- "Fingerprints"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Finis"
- "First
- Astounding,
May 1945
- Astounding (British Edition), November 1945
- Best of Science
Fiction, edited by Groff Conklin, Crown, 1946
- The Fireside Book
of Flying Stories, edited by Paul Jensen, Simon & Schuster,
- Astounding
Science Fiction Anthology, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr., 1952 ;
Berkley, 1956
- The Flying Omnibus, edited by Paul Jensen, Cassell & Co., 8/53
- The First
Astounding Science Fiction Anthology, edited by John W. Campbell,
Grayson & Grayson, 1954; Four Star Books, 1964
- Stories for
Tomorrow, edited by William M. Sloane, Funk & Wagnall, 1954 ;
Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1955
- From Here On,
edited by John D. Husband and Frank F. Bright, J.B. Lippincott, 1954
- Radio broadcast on
"X Minus One," 10/06/55
- Best of Science
Fiction, edited by Groff Conklin, Crown, 1963
- Contact,
edited by Noel Keyes, Paperback Library, 1963
- Televised on
"Out There," produced by John Haggott, 1967
- First Step
Outward, edited by Robert Hoskins, Dell, 1969
- The Science
Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume 1, edited by Robert Silverberg,
Doubleday, 1970 ; Avon, 1971; Gollancz, 1971
- First Contact,
edited by Damon Knight, Pinnacle, 1971
- The
Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume One, edited by Harry Harrison
& Brian W. Aldiss, Doubleday, 1972
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976 ; Caralt
(Spain), 1980; Random House (Germany), 1978; Mondadori (Italy), 1989
- Aliens,
edited by Ben Bova, Futura, 1977
- Approaches to
Science Fiction, edited by Donald L. Lawler, Houghton Mifflin, 1978
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Ballantine, 1978
- J'Ai Lu',
(France) 6/79 (confirmation of publications requested)
- Science Fiction
Writers of America Anthology, 1979 (confirmation of publications
- Science Fiction
Stories, edited by Tom Boardman, Jr., Octopus Books, 1979
- Golden Years of
Science Fiction, edited by Groff Conklin, Outlet Books, 1980
- Issac Asimov
Presents the Great SF Stories, edited by Isaac Asimov & Martin
Greenberg, DAW, 1980
- The Great SF
Stories 7 (1945), edited by Isaac Asimov, 1982
- Aliens from
Analog, edited by Stanley Schmidt, Davis, 1983
- Issac Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories 9, ed Issac Asimov and Martin
Greenberg, DAW, 1983
- Golden Years of Science Fiction #4, edited by Isaac Asimov, Bonanza Books, 1984
- First Contact,
Dercum Audio, 1987; 1998
- Encounters,
edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh,
Headline, 1988.
- Great Stories of
Science Fiction, Amsco School Publication, 1991
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "The First Mate
of the Bulgora"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "The First Sweetheart"
- "The $500.00 Reward"
- "Flamingoes"
- "The Flat in the Bronx"
- as Will F. Jenkins with Betty Jenkins, "Fly for Your Life"
- The American Magazine, 8/40
- "A Flyer of Old
- Complete
Detective Novel Magazine, 1/30
- "Flying-Fish
- Snappy Stories, 10/4/1918
- Star Novels
Magazine, 12/30
- "Fog"
- "Food of Eagles"
- All Star Weekly, 12/14/18
- "Fool's Gold"
- Complete Northwest Novel Magazine, 4/37
- "Footprints in the Snow"
- All Story Weekly, 6/7/19
- Complete Northwest Novel Magazine, 12/36
- The Runaway Skyscraper and Other Tales from the Pulps, Wildside,

- as by Will F. Jenkins, "For a Lady"
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "For Honor"
- Love Story Magazine, 9/18/26
- "For Legal Expenses"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Forbidden Sanctuary"
- Argosy, 11/48.
- Short Story Magazine, 3/49.
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Foreigner"
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Forth Moment" [a.k.a. "The Making of a Man"]
- This Week
Magazine, April 27, 1941
- Junior Scholastic
Magazine, September 15, 1954.
- "Four Little Ships"
- Astounding,
November 1942.
- Astounding, December 1943 (British Edition)
- as Joe Gregg,"Four Tickets to Glory"
- "The
Fourth-Dimensional Demonstrator"
- Astounding
December 1935
- 25 Modern Stories
of Mystery and Imagination, edited by Phill Strong, Garden City
Publishing Co., 1942
- The Other Worlds,
edited by Philip Strong, Avon, 1960
- Sidewise in Time,
edited by Murray Leinster, Shasta, 1950
- Twists in Time,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1960
- The Future Makers,
edited by Peter Haining, NEL, 1969
- Science Fiction
Special 5, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1971
- The Best of Murray
Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- A Logic Named Joe, edited by Eric Flint, Baen Books, 2005

- "The Frankenstein
- "The Friend of Capt. Dick"
- "Friends"
- Short Stories,
- Short Stories,
11/42 (British Edition)
- Startling Stories,
January 1947
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Frightened Lady"
- (as "Ingen
anden udvej end mord") Hjemmet, 7/14/53
- Grit, 24
April 1955
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"From Beyond the Stars"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, June 1947
- as Will F. Jenkins, "From Dusk to Dawn"
- Argosy, 11/42 (British Edition)
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Front Man"
- Collier's, 6/11/38
- Star Weekly Magazine Section, 4/18/53
- "Fugitive from Space"
- Amazing, May
- (as "Fugitivos
del Espacio") Mas Alla, 5/55
- The Aliens,
edited by Murray Leinster, Berkley, 1960.
- "The Funeral"
- "Fury from Lilliput"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, August, 1949
- Thrilling Wonder Stories, (British Edition)
- American Science Fiction Magazine #7 (Australian), 1952. As "The Unknown"
- "The Gadget Had a
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, June 1952
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, (British Edition) November 1952
- Year's Best SF
Novels 1953, edited by Everett F. Bleiler, Fell, 1953
- "The Gallery Gods"
- Argosy All-Weekly 8/21/20
- The Runaway Skyscraper and Other Tales from the Pulps,
Wildside, 2007

- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Gambling Kid"
- Western Action
Novels, 3/37
- "Gang War!"
- Clues, 8/31
- Double-Action
Gang Magazine, 2/37
- "Garments of Illusion"
- "Gats"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "The General Was an Honest Man"
- "The Generosity of the Sidi Joss Piang"
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"George is a Noble Guy"
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Ghost of Elderd Boone"
- "The Ghost
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, December 1948.
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Girl With Secret Charm"
- Saturday Evening
Post, February 20, 1954
- as Will F. Jenkins, "The God From the Five-and-Ten"
- "The God Who Carried a Cane"
- "Goin'
- Detective Fiction
Weekly, 4/19/30
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Good Neighbor"
- "The Grand Canal
Street Robbery"
- "The
Grandfather's War"
- Astounding,
October 1957
- Astounding,
February1958 (British Edition)
- Doctor to the
Stars, edited by Murray Leinster, Pyramid, 1964.
- Med Ship,
edited by Eric Flint & Guy Gordon, Baen 2002

- "The Great
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "The Great Joke of Lope de Gama"
- Snappy Stories, 12/18
- Far East Adventure Stories, 4/31
- The Seventh Bullet, Black Dog Books, 2001
- "The Greatest
Scoundrel Unhung"
- as William Fitzgerald, "The Gregory Circle"
- Thrilling Wonder Stories, April 1947
- Out of This World, edited by Murray Leinster, Avalon, 1958
- Science Fiction Yearbook #5, edited by Sharon Moore, Popular
Library, 1971
- "Grist"
- Short Stories, 7/10/24
- Modern Authorship, Palmer Institute of Authorship, 1928
- Complete Northwest Novel Magazine, 12/36
- "Grooves"
- Argosy All-Story Weekly, 10/12/18
- The Runaway Skyscraper and Other Tales from the Pulps, Wildside,

- "Gun Cargo"
- "Gunfighter"
- All-American
Western, 1/38
- "Guns for
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Guns Over Hell's Sink"
- Complete Western Book Magazine, 10/36
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "The Gypsy's Prophecy"
- Love Story Magazine, 5/29/26
- "Half-Wolf"
- Thrilling
Adventures, 2/43
- "Ham Flier"
- "The Hand of God"
- as Kenny Kenmare, "Hate"
- "The Hate Disease"
- "The Haunted Sausage"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "He Looked Like Robert Taylor"
- Woman's Home Companion, 9/39
- The Star Weekly, 10/22/55
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Hell for a Gringo"
- "Hell-Roarin's Range"
- Real Western Stories,
- "Hell Train Pilgrim"
- Westerns of the
40�s, edited by Damon Knight,
Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1977
- Western Classics
from the Great Pulps, edited by Damon Knight, Harper & Row,
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "Her Charming Sister"
- Love Story Magazine, 10/2//26
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Hermit"
- Cosmopolitan,
March 1940.
- as Louisa Carter Lee, "The Hidden Love"
- Love Story Magazine, 10/6/23
- "High Jinx in Denver"
- Western Story Magazine, 4/30/21
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"High Spot"
- Collier's, 12/21/40
- Argosy, 7/41 (British Edition)
- Boston Sunday Globe Magazine, 25 February 1951
- "The Hippopotamus Bullet"
- Star Novels Magazine, 11/30
- as Will F. Jenkins, "His Bid for Fame"
- Top-Notch, 7/1/25
- Collier's, 6/3/39
- "Historical Note"
- Astounding, February 1951
- Astounding, August 1951 (British Edition)
- Astounding Science Fiction Anthology, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr., 1952
- The Second Astounding Science Fiction Anthology, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr., 1954
- Astounding Tales of Space & Time, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr., Berkley, 1957.
- Science Teacher's
World, 2/5/57
- Science Teacher's World, 2/19/57
- Give Me Liberty, edited by Martin H. Greenberg & Mark Tier, Baen, 2003
- Future Wars, edited by Hank Davis, Baen, 2015
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Hit and Run"
- "The Hollywood Murders"
- Black Bat Detective Mysteries, 12/33
- High Adventure #62, January 2002
- "Homicide's Sweetheart"
- Smashing Detective Stories, 3/52
- "Honesty"
- "Honeymoon on
- "Hot and Cold"
- Detective Fiction
Weekly, 2/4/33
- "The Hour After Supper"
- "The House of the Apaches"
- "Howdy!"
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "The Hunters"
- Collier's, 10/5/40
- Mike Shayne's
Mystery Magazine, 12/64
- as Will F. Jenkins, "I Give My Life"
- American Magazine, 10/40
- The All Story
Braille Magazine, 5/41
- "I Have a Neighbor"
- "I Was Trapped by
the Japs"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "I'll Wait for You"
- Saturday Evening Post, 3/10/56
- as Jean Farquar "I Would Love Her...If"
- "If You Can Get It"
- "If You Was a
- Galaxy,
September 1951
- Galaxy Reader of
S.F., edited by Horace L. Gold, Crown, 1952
- Monsters and Such,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1959
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976.
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "Illusion"
- All American
Fiction, 2/38
- "Imbalance"
- Fantastic Stories,
December 1962.
- SF Greats #18,
Summer 1970
- "The Impenetrable Virtue of Elise"
- "The Impossible Romance"
- "In Account With Destiny"
- "In Cold Blood"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "In Spring Thaws"
- Complete Northwest Novels, July 1937.
- as Jean Farquar "In the Dark"
- "In the Fog"
- Thrilling
Detectives, 9/42
- as Jean Farquar "In the Hall of Blue Tiles"
- "In the Knickerbocker Lounge"
- "Incident on Calypso"
- Startling Stories, Fall 1945
- Invasion from Mars, edited by Orson Welles, Dell, 1949.
- Space Pioneers, edited by Hank Davis and Christopher Ruocchio
- "The
Incredible Invasion (Part 1 of 5)"
- "The Incredible
Invasion (Part 2 of 5)"
- "The Incredible
Invasion (Part 3 of 5)"
- "The Incredible Invasion
(Part 4 of 5)"
- "The Incredible
Invasion (Part 5 of 5)"
- "Indiscretion"
- Thrilling
Detectives, 10/43
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Innocent Victims"
- Mike Shayne's
Mystery Magazine, 5/64
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Insult to the Family"
- Saturday Evening
Post, 5/31/47
- "Interference"
- Astounding,
October 1945
- Astounding, March 1946 (British Edition)
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976
- "The
- Amazing Stories,
April-May 1953
- Amazing Stories,
May 1969
- "Invasion"
- "Island Honor"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "The Island That Looked Like
- "It's Very Simple"
- "Izzy"
- "Jezebel"
- Startling Stories,
October 1953
- Portals of Tomorrow, edited by August Derleth, Rinehart, 1954.
- "Jiggy Jazz"
- "The Journey"
- Star Science
Fiction Stories, edited by Frederik Pohl, Ballantine, 1953
- "Journey
to Barkut"
- Fantasy Book,
Vol 2, issue 1, 1950
- Startling Stories,
January 1952.
- Published in book
form as Gateway to Elsewhere
- "The Juice Hog's Battle"
- "Juju"
- Thrill Book,
October 15, 1919.
- Pulpdom, 2/99
(first part)
- Pulpdom, 3/99
(second part)
- "Jungle Loot"
- All Aces Magazine,
- "Jungle Stream"
- "Keyhole"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, December 1951
- Standard Magazine,
- Tomorrow the
Stars, edited by Robert A. Heinlein, Doubleday, 1951
- Children of Wonder, edited by William Tenn, Simon & Schuster, 1953
- Outsiders: Children of Wonder, edited by William Tenn, Simon & Schuster, 1954
- Men on the Moon,
edited by Donald A. Wollheim, Ace, 1958
- Treasury of Great Science Fiction Stories 1, edited by Jim
Hendryx, Jr., Popular Library, 1964
- Beyond Belief,
edited by Richard J. Hurley, Scholastic, 1966
- Blast Off,
edited by Harry Harrison, Faber & Faber, 1969
- Worlds of Wonder,
edited by Harry Harrison, Doubleday, 1969
- Satan's Pets,
edited by Vic Ghidalia, Manor, 1972
- Tomorrow, and
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. . . , edited by Bonnie L. Heintz, et al.,
Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1974
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976.
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Ballantine, 1978
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- published as Das
Versuchobjekt in Utopia Science Fiction #6
- as Will F. Jenkins,
- Everybody's Magazine, 3/29
- Smashing Novels, 9/36
- "The Kid Deputy"
- Triple X Western, 2/28
- Triple X Western, 3/28
- Triple X Western, 4/28
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Kid Dies Again"
- The Star Weekly,
27 April 1940
- "The Kidder"
- "The Killer at
Thunder Mountain"
- "A Killer for Tombstone"
- Western Tales Magazine #19 (British), 1952
- Fifteen Western Tales, 9/53
- "Killer
Ship (Part 1 of 3)"
- Amazing Stories, October 1965
- Published in book form as Space Captain
- "Killer Ship
(Part 2 of 3)"
- Amazing Stories,
November 1965
- Published in book
form as Space Captain
- "Killer Ship
(Part 3 of 3)"
- Amazing Stories,
December 1965
- Published in book
form as Space Captain
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Killing on Chanco Lane"
- "The King of Bukhanara"
- "The King of Halstead Street"
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "King's Pirate"
- "The Kitchen Strain"
- as by Will F. Jenkins, "Knight on a Bike"
- The American Magazine, 8/41
- "Kuantan"
- Adventure,
- Adventure Novels, 4/39
- "Labor of
- "Lady Luck's Stepchild"
- "A Lady of Indiscretion"
- Young's Magazine, 3/23
- The Yellow Book 44, 1923
- "The Lamboyo"
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Last Day on Earth"
- "The Last
- Fifteen Western
Tales, 5/58
- "Last of the Big
- "The Law of the Forty-Five"
- West, 6/25/30
- West (British Edition), 2/31
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "The Law of the Six-Gun"
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "The Law Wants Slim Galway"
- Double Action
Western, date unknown
- "The Laws of
- Startling Stories,
March 1947
- Fantastic Story,
Spring 1954
- "The Leader"
- Astounding,
February 1960
- Astounding,
June1960 (British Edition)
- 14 Great Tales of
ESP, edited by Idella Purnell Stone, Fawcett Gold Medla, 1969
- Space Mail,
Volume II, edited by Isaac Asimov, et al., Fawcett, 1982
- with Helen Jenkins,
- Complete
Detective Novel Magazine, 4/33
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Lie to Me, Millicent"
- as Will F. Jenkins,
- Country Gentleman
Magazine, November 1941
- "The Life-Work of
Professor Muntz"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, June 1949
- Best SF Stories
1950, edited by Everett F. Bleiler, Fell, 1950
- The Science
Fiction Galaxy, edited by Groff Conklin, Perma Books, 1950
- The Best Science
Fiction Stories, edited by Everett F. Bleiler & T.E. Dikty,
Grayson, 1951
- Science Fiction
Omnibus, edited by Everett F. Bleiler & T.E. Dikty, Garden City
Books, 1952
- "Like Dups"
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, Spring 1946
- as Will F. Jenkins, "The Lion-Mane Collar"
- "Little Cigarette"
- as Will F. Jenkins, "Little Miss Holcomb"
- as Louisa Carter Lee "Little Sister"
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"The Little Terror"
- The Saturday Evening Post, August 22, 1953.
- (as "Psst, sa var del vaek") Hjemmet, 5/19/54
- The Post Reader of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Doubleday, 1964
- Fantasy Voyages, Curtis Publishing, 1979
- as Will F. Jenkins, "A Loan of Dynamite"
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"A Logic Named Joe"
- Astounding,
March 1946
- Sidewise in Time,
edited by Murray Leinster, Shasta, 1950
- Science Fiction
Carnival, edited by Fredric Brown & Mack Reynolds, Shasta, 1953
- Science Fiction
Carnival, edited by Fredric Brown & Mack Reynolds, Bantam, 1957
- Modern
Masterpieces of Science Fiction, edited by Sam Moscowitz, World,
- Doorway Into Time,
edited by Sam Moscowitz, MacFadden-Bartell, 1966
- Souls in Metal,
edited by Mike Ashley, St. Martin's, 1977
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by J.J. Pierce, Ballantine, 1978
- Science Fiction:
The Best of Yesterday, edited by Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen,
- Great SF Stories
8 (1946), edited by Isaac Asimov, 1982
- Golden Years of Science Fiction #4, edited by Isaac Asimov, Bonanza Books, 1984
- Machines That
Think, edited by Isaac Asimov, Patricia Warreck & Martin H.
Greenberg, Wings Books, 1984
- War with the
Robots, edited by Isaac Asimov, Patricia Warreck & Martin H.
Greenberg, Wings Books, 1991
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- A Logic Named Joe, edited by Eric Flint, Baen Books, 2005

- "The Lonely
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, December 1949
- Beyond the End of
Time, edited by Frederik Pohl, Permabooks, 1952
- American Science Fiction #23, 3/54
- Monsters and Such,
edited by Murray Leinster, Avon, 1959
- The Best of
Murray Leinster, edited by Brian Davis, Corgi, 1976
- Isaac Asimov
Presents the Best Science Fiction Firsts, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin
H. Greenberg & Charles Waugh.
- First Contacts,
edited by Joe Rico, NESFA Press, 1998

- "Long
Ago, Far Away"
- Published and
expanded in book form as Four From
Planet 5
- Amazing, 9/59
- The Most Thrilling Science Fiction Stories Ever Told #10, Fall 1968
- "Lord
of the Uffts"
- Worlds of
Tomorrow Science Fiction, February 1964.
- A Logic Named Joe, edited by Eric Flint, Baen Books, 2005 (as The
- "The Lost
- Published in book
form as The Duplicators
- Thrilling Wonder
Stories, April 1949
- My Best Science
Fiction Story, edited by Leo Margulies & Oscar J. Friend,
Merlin Press, 1949
- My Best Science
Fiction Story, edited by Leo Margulies & Oscar J. Friend,
Pocket, 1954
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "Love-The Most Wanted Thing
in the World"
- Love Story Magazine, 9/25/26
- as Will F. Jenkins,
"Love Letter"
- Argosy, 8/50 (British Edition)
- The Anglo-Portuguese News, November 22, 1952.
- as by Will F.
Jenkins, "Lucky Break"
- "The Lucky Guy"
- "The Lunatic Railroad"
- as by Louisa Carter Lee, "The Lure of Love"
- Love Story Magazine, 2/6/26
- "Lynch Law"