The Aliens, Berkley, 1960.
- The Aliens
- Anthopological Note
- Fugitive From Space
- The Skit-Tree Planet
- Thing from the Sky
The Best of Murray Leinster, Edited by Brian
Davis, Corgi, 1976.
- Sidewise in Time
- Proxima Centauri
- The Fourth-dimensional Demonstrator
- First Contact
- The Ethical Equations
- Pipeline to Pluto
- The Power
- A Logic Named Joe
- Symbiosis
- The Strange Case of John Kingman
- The Lonely Planet
- Keyhole
- Critical Difference
Colonial Survey, Gnome Press, 1957. Also known
as The Planet Explorer, Avon, 1957.
- Combat Survey (a.k.a. Exploration Team)
- Sand Doom
- Solar Constant (a.k.a. Critical Difference)
- The Swamp Was Upside Down
First Contacts: The Essential Murray Leinster,
NESFA, 1998. 
- A Logic Named Joe
- If You Was a Moklin
- The Ethical Equations
- Keyhole
- Doomsday Deferred
- First Contact
- Nobody Saw the Ship
- Pipeline to Pluto
- The Lonely Planet
- De Profundis
- The Power
- The Castaway
- The Strange Case of John Kingman
- Proxima Centauri
- The Fourth-Dimensional Demonstrator
- Sam, This Is You
- Sidewise in Time
- Scrimshaw
- Symbiosis
- Cure for Ylith
- Plague on Kryder II
- Exploration Team
- The Great Catastrophe
- To All Fat Policemen
Get Off My World!, Belmont, 1966.
- Planet of Sand
- Second Landing
- White Spot
The Last Space Ship, Fell, 1949.
- The Boomerang Circuit
- The Disciplinary Circuit
- The Manless Worlds
Med Ship, Baen, 2002. Edited
by Eric Flint & Guy Gordon.
- Med Ship Man
- Plague on Kryder II
- The Mutant Weapon
- Ribbon in the Sky
- Tallien Three
- Quarantine World
- The Grandfathers' War
- Pariah Planet
Men Into Space, Berkley, 1960. Novelization of
TV series. |
Monsters and Such, Avon, 1959.
- The Castaway
- De Profundis
- If You Was a Moklin
- The Lonely Planet
- Nobody Saw the Ship
- Proxima Centauri
- The Trans-Human
Out of This World, Avalon, 1958.
- The Deadly Dust
- The Gregory Circle
- The Nameless Something
Planets of Adventure, Baen,
2003. Edited by Eric Flint.
- The Forgotten Planet
- Solar Constant (a.k.a. Critical Difference)
- Sand Doom
- Combat Survey (a.k.a. Exploration Team)
- The Swamp Was Upside Down
- Anthropological Note
- Scrimshaw
- Assignment on Pasik
- Regulations
- The Skit-Tree Planet
The Runaway Skyscraper and Other Tales
from the Pulps, Wildside Press, 2007
- The Runaway Skyscraper
- The Gallery Gods
- The Street of Magnificent Dreams
- Nerve
- Stories of the Hungry Country: The Case of the Dona Clotilde
- Morale
- Grooves
- Footprints in the Snow
Sidewise in Time, Shasta, 1950.
- Sidewise in Time
- Proxima Centauri
- A Logic Named Joe
- De Profundis
- The Fourth-dimensional Demonstrator
- The Power
Twists in Time, Avon, 1960.
- Dead City
- Dear Charles
- The End
- The Fourth-dimensional Demonstrator
- The Other Now
- Rogue Star
- Sam, This Is You