Chicago in Science Fiction
If you know of any stories or novels I may have missed, please let me know.

chistar.jpgSaladin Ahmed. "Meathooks on Ice." Low Chicago, edited by George R.R. Martin & Melinda Snodgrass. Tor Books, 2018
chistar.jpgPoul Anderson. Orion Shall Rise. Baen, 1991. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgKelley Armstrong. Omens. Dutton, 2013.Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRobert Arthur, Jr., "The Terror from the Sea," Wonder Stories, 12/31.
chistar.jpgIsaac Asimov. Pebble In the Sky. Doubleday, 1950.
chistar.jpgBarbara Barnett. Alchemy of Glass. Pyr, 2020.Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgGarth Bentley. "Rebellion-5000 A.D.!," Wonder Stories, 7/31.
chistar.jpgSteve Bellinger. The Chronocar: An Urban Adventure in Time. 2019. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgSteve Bellinger. Edge of Perception. 2019. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgSteve Bellinger. e-Pocalypse: The Digital Apocalypse Is Coming. 2020. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgSteve Bellinger. Time Waits for No One. 2020. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgLauren Beukes. The Shining Girls. Mulholland Books, 2013. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgEando Binder. "The Robot Aliens," Wonder Stories, 2/35.
chistar.jpgEando Binder. "The Spore Doom," Wonder Stories, 2/34.
chistar.jpgTerry Bisson. "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime," Golden Age SF: Tales of a Bygone Future, edited by Eric T. Reynolds, Hadley-Rille 2006. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRobert Bloch. "Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper." Weird Tales, 1943.
chistar.jpgPaul Bolton. "Chicago 2042 A.D.," Wonder Stories, 10/32.
chistar.jpgBen Bova. "Grandfather Sam." Chicon 2000 Guest of Honor Publication. 8/00.
chistar.jpgRay Bradbury. "To the Chicago Abyss." F&SF, 5/63.
chistar.jpgMiles J. Breuer. "The Fitzgerald Contraction," Science Wonder Stories, 1/30.
chistar.jpgMiles J. Breuer. "The Hungry Guinea-Pig," Amazing, 1/30.
chistar.jpgMiles J. Breuer. "The Inferiority Complex," Amazing, 9/30.
chistar.jpgMiles J. Breuer. "The Time Valve," Wonder Stories, 7/30.
chistar.jpgFredric Brown. "Crisis, 1999." Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 8/49.
chistar.jpgDavid Brin. Foundation's Triumph. HarperPrism, 1999. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgMolly Brown. Virus. Point SF, 1994.
chistar.jpgAlgis Budrys. Hard Landing. Warner Questar, 1994.
chistar.jpgAlgis Budrys. "Living Alone in the Jungle." Fantastic Chicago, Edited by Martin H. Greenberg. Chicon V, August 1991.
chistar.jpgBernard Buley. "Master of the Moon," Scoops, 10 February-24 April 19/34. Originally published anonymously.
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Backup, Subterranean Press, 2006.
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Battle Ground, Ace, 2020. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Blood Rites, Roc, 2004. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Changes, Roc, 2010. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Cold Days, Roc, 2012. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Dead Beat, Roc, 2005. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Death Masks, Roc, 2003. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Fool Moon, Roc, 2001. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Ghost Story, Roc, 2011. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Grave Peril, Roc, 2001. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Peace Talks, Ace, 2020. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Proven Guilty, Roc, 2006. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Skin Game, Ace, 2015. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Small Favor, Roc, 2008. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Storm Front, Roc, 2000. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Summer Knight, Roc, 2002. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. Turn Coat, Roc, 2009. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJim Butcher. White Night, Roc, 2007. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJohn W. Campbell, Jr., "Invaders from the Infinite," Amazing Stories Quarterly, Spring/Summer 1932.
chistar.jpgRichard Chwedyk. "Knot with a Bang." Chi-Fi. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 2/10.
chistar.jpgNino Cipri. "At the End of a Most Perfect Day." Avatars Inc.. Edited by Ann VanderMeer, XPrize, 2020.
chistar.jpgLincoln S. Colby. "The Radio Detective," Amazing Stories, 5/31.
chistar.jpgSteve Cole. "Who-Dini?," Star Tales. BBC Books 2019. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgMorrison Colladay. "The Return of the Cosmic Gun," Wonder Stories, 10/31.
chistar.jpgPaul Cornell."A Bit of a Dinosaur." Low Chicago, edited by George R.R. Martin & Melinda Snodgrass. Tor Books, 2018
chistar.jpgJoshua Dann. Timeshare: Second Time Around. Ace, 1997. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJ.R. Dawson. "She'd Never Had a Name Before." Lightspeed, 1/20.
chistar.jpgCharle Dickinson. A Shortcut in Time. Forge 2003. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgTerrance Dicks. Blood Harvest. Virgin, 1994. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgTananarive Due. "Like Daughter." Dark Matters, Edited by Sheree R. Thomas. Warner, July 2000. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgThomas A. Easton. "The Chicago Plan to Save a Species." Chicago Magazine, 1976.
chistar.jpgPhyllis Eisenstein. "Boltzmann Schiaparelli and the Lizard King." Conspicuous SF. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 6/09.
chistar.jpgPhyllis Eisenstein. "In Answer To Your Call." F&SF, January 1978.
chistar.jpgHarlan Ellison. "Incognita, Inc." Hemisphere, January 2001.
chistar.jpgP.N. Elrod. Art in the Blood. Ace, 1991. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgP.N. Elrod. Blood Circle. Ace, 1990. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgP.N. Elrod. Blood in the Water. Ace, 1992. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgP.N. Elrod. Bloodlist. Ace, 1990. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgP.N. Elrod. Chill in the Blood. Ace, 1999. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgP.N. Elrod. Fire in the Blood. Ace, 1992. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgP.N. Elrod. Lifeblood. Ace, 1990. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgP.N. Elrod. Song in the Dark. Ace, 2005. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgKelley Eskridge. "The Hum of Human Cities." Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine 9, Edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Pulphouse, 1990.
chistar.jpgGeorge M. Ewing. "Pyros." Asimov's, January 1996.
chistar.jpgBill Fawcett. "In Hizhoner's Service." Congealed Stories. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 8/10.
chistar.jpgFrancis Flagg. "The Superman of Dr. Jukes," Wonder Stories, 11/31.
chistar.jpgRoscoe B. Fleming. " The Menace of the Little," Amazing Stories Quarterly, Summer 1931.
chistar.jpgFlint, Eric, "From the Highlands," Changer of Worlds, edited by David Weber, Baen 2002.
chistar.jpgEric Flint & Alistair Kimble. Iron Angels, Baen 2017.
chistar.jpgJohn M. Ford. The Last Hot Time, Tor, December 2000. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgNeil Gaiman & Gene Wolfe. Little Walks for Sightseers #16: A Walking Tour of the Shambles, American Fantasy Press, 2002.
chistar.jpgRaymond Z. Gallun. "The Crystal Ray." Air Wonder Stories, 11/29.
chistar.jpgRaymond Z. Gallun. "Dawn of the Demigods." Planet Stories, Summer 1954.
chistar.jpgRaymond Z. Gallun. "Telepathic Piracy." Astounding Stories, 3/35.
chistar.jpgRaymond Z. Gallun. "The Wand of Creation." Astounding Stories, 9/34.
chistar.jpgRichard Garfinkle. "Eternal Quadrangle." Multiversity of Chicago. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 9/09.
chistar.jpgJewelle Gomez. "Chicago 1927." Dark Matters. Edited by Sheree R. Thomas. Warner, July 2000. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRoland Green. "Root Canals at Lane Tech." Inconsequential Science Fiction Tales. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 11/09.
chistar.jpgMira Grant. Square3. Subterranean Press, December 2021. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgDaryl Gregory. Spoonbenders. Knopf, June 2017. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgPaul Guinan and Anina Bennett. Boilerplate: History's Mechanical Marvel. Abrams, 2009.Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJack C. Haldeman. "Short Count in Chicago." Alternate Kennedys. Edited by Mike Resnick. Tor, July 1992.
chistar.jpgEdmond Hamilton. "The Reign of the Robots." Wonder Stories, 12/31.
chistar.jpgEdmond Hamilton. "The Space Visitors." Air Wonder Stories, 3/30.
chistar.jpgJim Harmon. "The Place Where Chicago Was." Galaxy, February 1962.
chistar.jpgRobert A. Heinlein. Between Planets. Scribner's, 1951. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRobert A. Heinlein. Methusaleh's Children. Gnome, 1963
chistar.jpgRobert A. Heinlein. To Sail Beyond the Sunset. Putnam, 1987. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRobert A. Heinlein. The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag. Gnome, 1959.
chistar.jpgChristina Henry. Black City. Ace, 2013. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChristina Henry. Black Heart. Ace, 2013. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChristina Henry. Black Howl. Ace, 2012. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChristina Henry. Black Lament. Ace, 2012. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChristina Henry. Black Night. Ace, 2011. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChristina Henry. Black Spring. Ace, 2014. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChristina Henry. Black Wings. Ace, 2010. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChristina Henry. "Red Isn't Really My Color." Kicking It. Edited by Faith Hunter and Kalayna Price. Roc, 2013. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgEdward D. Hoch. "Zoo." Fantastic Universe, June 1958.
chistar.jpgAlexander Jablokov. Nimbus. Avon, 1993.
chistar.jpgJohn Jakes. "Chicago Rhapsody." Fantastic Chicago, Edited by Martin H. Greenberg. Chicon V, August 1991.
chistar.jpgTina Jens. The Blues Ain't Nothin', Design Image Group, 2002. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgTina Jens. "Stranger Ev'rywhere." Black Gate, Summer 2002.
chistar.jpgTyehimba Jess. "Voodoo Vincent and the Astoriograms." Dark Matter: Reading the Bones, edited by Sheree R. Thomas, Warner 2004. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgBill Johnson. "Vote Early, Vote Often." F&SF, September 1990.
chistar.jpgDavid H. Keller. "The Ambidexter." Amazing Stories, 4/31.
chistar.jpgDavid H. Keller. "The Eternal Professors." Amazing Stories, 8/29.
chistar.jpgJoe Kimball. Timecaster. Ace, 6/10.
chistar.jpgRudyard Kipling. "As Easy as A.B.C." The London Magazine, 3/12.
chistar.jpgOtis Adalbert Kline. "The Radio Ghost." Amazing Stories, 9/27.
chistar.jpgMarko Kloos."Stripes." Low Chicago, edited by George R.R. Martin & Melinda Snodgrass. Tor Books, 2018
chistar.jpgRichard Knaak. Black City Demon. Pyr. 2017. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRichard Knaak. Black City Dragon. Pyr. 2018. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRichard Knaak. Black City Saint. Pyr. 2016. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRichard Knaak. Dutchman. Warner Aspect. 1996. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRichard Knaak. Frostwing. Warner Questar. 1995. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRichard Knaak. King of the Grey. Warner Questar, 11/93.
chistar.jpgE.E. Knight. "Blast Schafter: Anvil of Victory: Episode Six-Elevated to Destruction." Contemporaneous Tales of Terror. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 3/10.
chistar.jpgC.M. Kornbluth. "The Marching Morons." Galaxy, 4/51.
chistar.jpgC.M. Kornbluth. "Two Dooms." Venture, 7/58.
chistar.jpgNancy Kress. Beggars in Spain. AvoNova, 1994. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgK.P. Kyle. Sync. Allium Press, 2019. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgPaul Kreuger. Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge, Quirk Books, 2016. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgR.A. Lafferty. Tales of Chicago. United Mythologies, 1992.
chistar.jpgR.A. Lafferty. "What's the Name of That Town?." Galaxy, 1964.
chistar.jpgRebecca Lane. "Transit." Spec-Lit #2, 1999. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgDean Leggett. "Faerie Dome." Spells of the City. Edited by Jean Rabe & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 2009.
chistar.jpgFritz Leiber. The Big Time. Ace, 1961. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgFritz Leiber. The Sinful Ones (a.k.a. You're All Alone). Universal, 1953
chistar.jpgFritz Leiber. "Smoke Ghost." Astounding, 1941.
chistar.jpgHenry E. Lemke. "Last of the Swarm." Wonder Stories, 10/33.
chistar.jpgJack London. The Iron Heel. Everett, 1908. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgLilith Lorraine. "Isle of Madness." Wonder Stories, 12/35.
chistar.jpgMegan Mackie. The Finder of the Lucky Devil, Prints of Cats Literary Productions, 2021 Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgMegan Mackie. The Saint of Liars, Megan Mackie, 2018 Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgGeorge R.R. Martin & Melinda Snodgrass (editors). Low Chicago, Tor Books, 2018
chistar.jpgGeorge R.R. Martin. "The Needle Men." F&SF, October 1981.
chistar.jpgTodd McAulty. The Robots of Gotham. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgTodd McAulty. "The Robots of Michigan Avenue." Chicago in 2012 Bid, 4/10.
chistar.jpgJack McDevitt. Eternity Road. HarperPrism, 1997. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgGeorge McLociard. "Terror of the Streets." Amazing Stories, 4/29.
chistar.jpgS.P. Meek "The Thief of Time." Astounding Stories, 2/30.
chistar.jpgR.M. Meluch Chicago Red. Roc, 1990. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRichard C. Meredith. Run, Come See Jerusalem!. Ballantine, 1976.
chistar.jpgJohn Jos. Miller."A Long Night at the Palmer House." Low Chicago, edited by George R.R. Martin & Melinda Snodgrass. Tor Books, 2018
chistar.jpgMary Anne Mohanraj."A Beautiful Facade." Low Chicago, edited by George R.R. Martin & Melinda Snodgrass. Tor Books, 2018
chistar.jpgThomas F. Monteleone. "Chicago." Future City, ed. Roger Elwood. Trident, 1973
chistar.jpgThomas F. Monteleone. The Time-Swept City. Popular Library, 1977.
chistar.jpgKevin Andrew Murphy. "Down the Rabbit Hole." Low Chicago, edited by George R.R. Martin & Melinda Snodgrass. Tor Books, 2018
chistar.jpgYvonne Navarro. Afterage. Bantam, 1993.
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Biting Bad. NAL, 2013. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Biting Cold. NAL, 2015. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Blade Bound. NAL, 2017. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Blood Games. NAL, 2014. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Dark Debt. NAL, 2015. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Drink Deep. NAL, 2011. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Friday Night Bites. NAL, 2009. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Hard Bitten. NAL, 2011. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. "High Stakes." Kicking It. Edited by Faith Hunter and Kalayna Price. Roc, 2013. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. House Rules. NAL, 2013. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Howling for You. NAL, 2014. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Lucky Break. NAL, 2015. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Midnight Marked. NAL, 2016. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Phantom Kiss. NAL, 2017. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Shadowed Steel. Gollancz, 2021. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Slaying It. NAL, 2018. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Some Girls Bite. NAL, 2009. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Twice Bitten. NAL, 2010. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Wicked Hour. NAL, 2019. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Wild Hunger. NAL, 2018. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChloe Neill. Wild Things. NAL, 2014. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgO.T. Nelson. The Girl Who Owned a City. Bantam, 1994. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgAnnalee Newitz. The Future of Another Timeline. Tor, 2019. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgKim Newman and Eugene Byrne. "Ten Days That Shook the World." Interzone 48 (6/91). Also in Aboriginal 27 (7-8/91).
chistar.jpgKim Newman and Eugene Byrne. "Tom Joad." Interzone 65 (11/92).
chistar.jpgAudrey Niffenegger. The Time Traveler's Wife, MacAdam/Cage, 2003. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJody Lynn Nye, Higher Mythology, Warner Questar, 1993
chistar.jpgJody Lynn Nye, "Muchness," Fantastic Alice, Ace Books, 1995. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJody Lynn Nye, The Magic Touch, Warner Questar, 1996. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJody Lynn Nye, "Souvenirs and Photographs," Future Net, DAW Books, 1996. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJody Lynn Nye, "Sidhe Who Must Be Obeyed," Many Faces of Fantasy (World Fantasy Convention Anthology), October 1996.
chistar.jpgJody Lynn Nye. "Flying Saucerers." Confabulated Tales. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 6/10.
chistar.jpgJody Lynn Nye, "Take Me to Your Leader," First Contact, DAW Books, 1997. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgPatrick O'Leary. Door Number Three. Tor, 1996. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJake Page. Apacheria. Del Rey, 1998. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgStuart Palmer. "Chicago's Flying Horror." Ghost Stories 6/31 .
chistar.jpgCynthia Pelayo. Children of Chicago. Agora Books, 2021. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgCynthia Pelayo. The Shoemaker's Magician. Agora Books, 2023. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRog Phillips. "The Involuntary Immortals." Fantastic Adventures, 12/49.
chistar.jpgDaniel Pinkwater. The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death. Lothrop Lee & Shepard, 1982.
chistar.jpgDaniel Pinkwater. The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror. NAL, 1984.
chistar.jpgMarc Platt. "The Duke of Dominoes," Decalog: Ten Stories-Seven Doctors-One Enigma. Edited by Mark Stammers & Stephen James Walker. Doctor Who Books, 1994. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgFrederik Pohl. "Bialystok Stronghead and the Mermen." Confounding Science Fiction. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 8/08.
chistar.jpgFrederik Pohl. The Coming of the Quantum Cats. Tor, 1986.
chistar.jpgNick Pollotta. Bureau 13. Ace, 1991.
chistar.jpgNick Pollotta. Doomsday Exam. Ace, 1992.
chistar.jpgNick Pollotta. Full Moonster. Ace, 1992.
chistar.jpgNick Pollotta. Hunters of the Damned. TriTac Books, not yet published.
chistar.jpgMike Resnick. The Branch. NAL 1984.
chistar.jpgMike Resnick. "Dark Doings at the Field Museum of Natural History." Uncontested Stories. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 8/10.
chistar.jpgMike Resnick. "The Paternal Flame." Weird Chicago. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 11/08.
chistar.jpgMike Resnick. "Sluggo." Jim Baen's Universe. 2/08.
chistar.jpgEden Robins. When Franny Stands Up. Sourcebooks Landmark, 2022. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgFrank M. Robinson. "The Night Shift." Fantasy Magazine, 3/53.
chistar.jpgFrank M. Robinson. The Power. Lippincott, 1956
chistar.jpgFrank M. Robinson. "Untitled Story." Astounding, 9/51.
chistar.jpgMark Rogers. Samurai Cat in the Real World. Tor, 1989.
chistar.jpgVeronica Roth. Allegiant, Katherine Tegen Books, 2013. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgVeronica Roth. Divergent, Katherine Tegen Books, 2011. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgVeronica Roth. Insurgent, Katherine Tegen Books, 2012. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgChristopher Rowe."The Motherfucking Apotheosis of Todd Motherfucking Taszycki." Low Chicago, edited by George R.R. Martin & Melinda Snodgrass. Tor Books, 2018
chistar.jpgFred Saberhagen. Century of Progress. Tor, 1983.
chistar.jpgFred Saberhagen. "From the Tree of Time." Sorcerer's Apprentice #14, 1982.
chistar.jpgFred Saberhagen. An Old Friend of the Family. Tor, 1979. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgWayne Allen Sallee. The Holy Terror, Mark V, Zeising Books, 1992. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgBrandon Sanderson. Firefight. Delacorte Press, 2015. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgBrandon Sanderson. "Mitosis." Delacorte Press, 2013. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgBrandon Sanderson. Steelheart. Delacorte Press, 2013. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgJohn Scalzi. "Dave and Liz and Chicago Save the World." Chicago in 2012 Bid, 3/12.
chistar.jpgJohn Scalzi. The Dispatcher: Murder By Other Means. Subterranean Press, 2021. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgNat Schachner. "Redmask of the Outlands." Astounding Stories, 1/34.
chistar.jpgHarper Scott. How I Helped the Chicago Cubs (Finally) Win the World Series, Aardwolf Press, 2005. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgMichael Z. Shaara. "The Vanisher." Planet Stories, Winter 1954.
chistar.jpgRick Shelley. "The Alien." Asimov's, 3/99.
chistar.jpgRick Shelley. The Hero King. Roc, 1992.
chistar.jpgRick Shelley. The Hero of Varay. Roc, 1991.
chistar.jpgRick Shelley. "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men." Analog, Mid-December/89.
chistar.jpgRick Shelley. "Safari." Analog, 7/97.
chistar.jpgRick Shelley. "State of the Union." Analog, 10/96.
chistar.jpgWilliam Shunn. "The Visitors at Wriggly Field." Contemptuous Science Fiction. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 12/09.
chistar.jpgAJ Sikes. Gods of Chicago. 2014. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgAJ Sikes. "If You Can Get It." 2014.
chistar.jpgSteven H Silver. "Boleslaw Szymanski Gets the Ogden Slip." Confounding SF. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 1/10.
chistar.jpgRobert Silverberg. "Crossing into the Empire." David Copperfield's Beyond Imagination. Edited by David Copperfield & Janet Berliner. Harper 1996.
chistar.jpgClifford D. Simak. "The Voice in the Void." Wonder Stories Quarterly, Spring 1932.
chistar.jpgOli Smith. System Wipe. Penguin UK, 2015. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgEdwin K. Sloat. "Vibration." Amazing Stories, 12/32.
chistar.jpgDean Wesley Smith. "Black Betsy." Alternate Outlaws, Edited by Mike Resnick. Tor, October 1994.
chistar.jpgE.E. "Doc" Smith. Triplanetary. Fantasy Press, 1948. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgGeorge O. Smith. Venus Equilateral. Prime Press, 1947. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgKristine Smith. Code of Conduct, AvonEos, November 1999. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgMelinda N. Snodgrass. "The Sister in the Street." Low Chicago, edited by George R.R. Martin & Melinda Snodgrass. Tor Books, 2018
chistar.jpgJerry Sohl. Costigan's Needle. 1953.
chistar.jpgM.L. Staley. "Stolen Mind." Astounding Stories, 1/30.
chistar.jpgR.F. Starzl. "King of the Black Bowl." Wonder Stories, 9/30.
chistar.jpgR.F. Starzl. "Man Who Changed the Future." Wonder Stories, 6/31.
chistar.jpgR.F. Starzl. "A 20th Century Medusa." Wonder Stories, 9/31.
chistar.jpgW. Gregory Stewart. "A Chicago Dinner Party, Sometime After." Science Fiction Age 11/96.
chistar.jpgMatthew Stover. "South Loop Whipsaw." Conquering Science Fiction. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 2/09.
chistar.jpgH.> Swain. Hungry. Feiwel & Friends, 2014. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgThomas L Thomas. "The Clone." Fantastic, 12/59.
chistar.jpgLois Tilton. "The Chapter of Transfixing the Heart." Contemplative SF. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 10/09.
chistar.jpgLois Tilton. Vampire Winter. Pinnacle, 1990.
chistar.jpgRichard Tooker. "Green Doom." Astounding Stories, 12/35.
chistar.jpgWilson Tucker. "My Brother's Wife." Fantasy House 1950.
chistar.jpgWilson Tucker. Wild Talent. Rinehart, 1954
chistar.jpgWilson Tucker. The Year of the Quiet Sun, Ace, 1970. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgHarry Turtledove. How Few Remain. Del Rey, October 1997. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgHarry Turtledove. "Two Thieves." Tales of Riverworld, Edited by Philip Jose Farmer. Warner Questar, August 1992.
chistar.jpgHarry Turtledove. Worldwar: In the Balance. Del Rey, January 1994. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgHarry Turtledove. Worldwar: Striking the Balance. Del Rey, December 1996. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgHarry Turtledove. Worldwar: Tilting the Balance. Del Rey, February 1995. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgHarry Turtledove. Worldwar: Upsetting the Balance. Del Rey, March 1996. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRichard Vaughan. "The Exile of the Skies." Wonder Stories, 1/34-3/34.
chistar.jpgB. Wallis & Geo. C. Wallis. "The World at Bat." Amazing Stories, 11-12/28.
chistar.jpgG. Peyton Wertenbaker. "Elaine's Tomb." Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1931.
chistar.jpgRobert Freeman Wexler. The Silverberg Business. Small Beer Press, 2022. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgGareth Wigmore. "The Mother Road," Short Trips: Farewells. Edited by Jacqueline Rayner. Big Finish Productions, 2006. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgSteve Wiley. The Fairytale Chicago of Francesca Finnegan. Lavender Line Press, 2017. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgSkip Williams & Penny Williams, "One Rainy Day in Paris," Time Twisters, edited by Jean Rabe & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 2007. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgRichard Wilson. "The Far King." Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, March-April 1978.
chistar.jpgGene Wolfe. Castleview. Tor, 1990. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgGene Wolfe. Pandora, by Holly Hollander. Tor, 1990. Purchase from Amazon
chistar.jpgGene Wolfe. "Planetarium in Orbit." Constipating Science Fiction. Chicago in 2012 Bid, 8/09.
chistar.jpgGene Wolfe. There Are Doors. Tor, 1988.
chistar.jpgMary Frances Zambreno. "A Way Out." Writer's of the Future, Edited by Algis Budrys, Bridge 1985.

Thanks to Ken Baumann, Don Paul Beletsky, Steve Bellinger, Alex Bensky, Diane Blackwood, Danny J. Boggs, Paul Eisenberg, Kelley Eskridge, Julie Fedynich, Lori Fleetwood, Richard Goudge, Theresa Hahn, Richard Horton, Jake Kesinger, Richard Knaak, Chris Nelson, Jody Lynn Nye, Patrick O'Leary, Nick Pollotta, Megan Shallop, Henry Spencer, Brian Wall, and Nicholas Whyte.

Chicon 8


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