This series will cover the adventures of the employees of Crosstime Traffic, an organization which makes its money by sending traders to various timelines to take advantage of the differences between the timelines. Each work will be set in a different timeline and focus on different characters. The protagonists in each story will be teenagers who must come to terms with their new environments. |
/ Stories / Series / Novels / Collections / Fix-Ups / Checklist
Non-Fiction / Translations / Awards / Dedications / FAQ / Biography
Cover Gallery / Changes / Forthcoming / Frankos / Library / Thanks
Atlantis / City of Shadows / Crosstime Traffic / Days of Infamy / Derlevai
Elabon / The Gap / The Great War / Hitler's War / Hot War / Menedemos & Sostratos
Scepter of Mercy / Supervolcano / Videssos / The War Between the Provinces / World War
This page maintained by Steven H Silver