Harry Turtledove




From The Misplaced Legion, Map by Shelly Shapiro

The first series Harry Turtledove set in the Empire of Videssos took a Republican Roman legion and set it into this magical realm which was based on the seventh century Byzantine Empire which Rome would eventually become. Naturally enough, none of the legionnaires discovered that they were, in effect, seeing the future of their world.
In the two series and three short stories which have followed the original Videssos Cycle, Turtledove has examined the history of Videssos, continuously exploring earlier periods of Videssian history and her struggle with Makuran and Yezd.  In the novel Bridge of the Separator, Turtledove examines Rhavas's origin as well as the beginnings of Kubrat and how it separated from Videssos.
Since much of the cycle is loosely (and sometimes not so loosely) based on Byzantine/Persian history, the avid reader may be able to glean some clues from the study of their histories.

Cover Gallery

Bridge of the Separator

The Time of Troubles I

The Time of Troubles II
Bridge of the Separator
Baen 2005
The Time of Troubles 1
Baen, 2005
The Time of Troubles 2
Baen, 2005
The Stolen Throne Hammer and Anvil The Thousand Cities
The Stolen Throne
Del Rey, 1995
Cover by Steve Youll
Hammer and Anvil
Del Rey, 1996
Cover by Steve Youll
The Thousand Cities
Del Rey, 1997
Cover by Michael Herring
The Thousand Cities   Tale of Krispos
Videssos Besieged
Del Rey, 1998
Cover by Michael Herring
  Tale of Krispos
Baen, 2007
Krispos Rising Krispos of Videssos Krispos the Emperor
Krispos Rising
Del Rey, 1991
Cover by Romas
Krispos of Videssos
Del Rey, 1991
Cover by Romas
Krispos the Emperor
Del Rey, 1994
Cover by Romas
The Misplaced Legion
Videssos Cycle, Volume One
Del Rey, 2013
Cover by Steven Youll
Videssos Cycle, Volume Two
Del Rey, 2013
Cover by Steven Youll
The Misplaced Legion
Del Rey, 1987
Cover by Romas
An Emperor for the Legion The Legion of Videssos Swords of the Legion
An Emperor for the Legion
Del Rey, 1987
Cover by Romas
The Legion of Videssos
Del Rey, 1987
Cover by Romas
Swords of the Legion
Del Rey, 1987
Cover by Romas
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The Stolen Throne
Terra Fantastica, 1998
Hammer and Anvil
Terra Fantastica, 1998
Krispos Rising
Terra Fantastica, 1997
Cover by Vasileva
ruskrisemp.jpg (56774 bytes)
Krispos of Videssos
AST, 1997
Krispos the Emperor
AST, 1998
The Misplaced Legion
Grant, 1994
An Emperor for the Legion
The Misplaced Legion
Terra Fantastica, 1997
Cover by Steve Parkinson
An Emperor for the Legion
Grant, 1994
An Emperor for the Legion
Terra Fantastica, 1997
Cover by Steve Youll
Legion of Videssos Swords of the Legion The Stolen Throne
Legion of Videssos
Terra Fantastica, 1997
Cover by Dorian Vallejo
Swords of the Legion
Terra Fantastica, 1997
Il Trono Rubato
Fanucci, 1997
Cover by Bruce Pennington
Hammer and Anvil Hammer and Anvil The Thousand Cities
L'Ora della Vendetta
Fanucci, 1997
L'Ora della Vendetta
Fanucci, 1997
Le Mille Citte
Fanucci, 1995
Cover by Michael Herring
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Le Mille Citte
Fanucci, 1998
Cover by Bruce Pennington
La Citte Assediata
Fanucci, 1999
Keith Parkinson
L'Ascesa di Krispos
Narrativa Nord, 1998
Richard Hescox
Krispos of Videssos Krispos the Emperor The Misplaced Legion
Krispos di Videssos
Fantacollana Nord, 1993
Cover by Michael Whelan
Krispos l'Imperatore
Fantacollana Nord, 1995
Cover by Richard Hescox
La Legione Perduta
Fantacollana Nord, 1989
An Emperor for the Legion

The Time of Troubles, 2
Un Imperatore per la Legione
Nord, 1997
Cover by Romas
L'era dei disordini
Fanucci, 2001
L'era dei disordini
Fanucci, 2002
Swords of the Legion

The Misplaced Legion

Le Daghe della Legione
Sperling, 1996
Cover by Paolo Parente
La Legione Perduta
Nord, 2003
Paolo Barbieri
Swords of the Legion
Legend, 1988

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This page maintained by Steven H Silver